Explain you response to the character of Juliet, exploring the ways in which Shakespeare presents her to the audience

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WJEC English Literature coursework

Essay topic 7: Explain you response to the character of Juliet, exploring the ways in which Shakespeare presents her to the audience

Juliet is a fervent and sensual character whom Shakespeare has also revealed to the audience as sly and ardent. She is young but presented to us as very mature, she receives all the audience’s sympathies as she receives very little help or guidance from home. Trapped in love she conveys her readiness for sacrifice to be with her beloved; for this she receives our respect and so we have a special bond with her.

I am writing about the character of Juliet in the Shakespeare play and exploring the ways in which Shakespeare presents her to the audience. This play is set in Verona, Italy in 1599 and is a play of two families the Capulets and Montagues who are in bitter feuds with each other. The setting in Verona Italy is appropriate to the play as the setting is known to people as the city of love which is one of the main focuses of the play.

Juliet is part of the Capulet family and is 14 almost years old in the play when she faces tragedy. she is quickly regarded as a heroine. In the play Juliet is portrayed by Shakespeare as a compassionate and sensual character who stands up for what she believes in. She is frequently found in emotional and empathetic situations where she is stuck between two sides of a dispute. Throughout the play Shakespeare presents the audience with conflicting stages of compassion and emotion for Juliet such as when Juliet kills herself with a dagger after finding her beloved Romeo dead. In this Scene the audience are in grief and sorrow for Juliet’s tragic loss whilst Juliet’s death also brings a sense of anger to the audience towards Friar Lawrence for causing their deaths.

Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet derived from Brooks “Tragical history of Romeus and Juliet” this poem was about two feuding families and two lovers who are trapped between the hatred of their families. Shakespeare re-wrote this and speeded up the story lines as in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet were together as a married couple for only one night whilst in Brooks version Romeus and Juliet spent 3 months together after they got married. Shakespeare also made Juliet younger. At this time boys and girls of 14 years of age could legally marry.

In Act 1 Scene 2 Paris, a noble man asks Capulet, the father of Juliet, if he can marry Juliet, at first Capulet disagrees for Juliet to marry as she is at such a young age.

“My child is yet a stranger in the world”

(Act 1 Scene 2 – p.g, 13 line(s) 8)

Later Juliet’s father reconsiders and Lady Capulet (Juliet’s mother) asks Juliet if she would like to marry Paris. Shakespeare has made Paris want to marry Juliet because this would make him more powerful and rich seeing as Juliet’s family is wealthy and Juliet is the heir to the Capulets family estate.

“She’s the hopeful lady of my earth.”

 (Act 1 Scene 2 – p.g, 13 line(s) 15)

Paris is endowed with qualities which make him a good choice of marriage for Juliet in her parent’s eyes. At this time Juliet hasn’t thought of marriage before but lives to obey her parent’s wishes and says I’ll see if I like him.

“I’ll look to like, if looking liking move;

But no more deep will I endart mine eye”

(Act 1 Scene 3 – p.g, 20 line(s) 98-99)

At this point in the play the audience are presented with Juliet as an obedient and respectful young girl. Juliet’s father arranges for Juliet to meet Paris at an organised party in their house. At the party Juliet meets Romeo the only son of the Montagues who she immediately falls in love with unaware of his identity as their families are bitter enemies.

Juliet is first mentioned in the play in Act 1 Scene 3 this is irregular as she is one of the main characters of the play and she is not mentioned at the start of the play, but Shakespeare has done this intentionally to create intrigue in the play about the two families hated feud; this allows the audience to really feel intrigued about the two familie’s abhorrence for each other. This is shown in the fight at the beginning of the play Act 1 Scene 1 – p.g 6, line(s) 69.

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Capulet is some what hard-hearted towards Juliet as he seems to the audience of the play as uncaring to his daughter’s feelings and preoccupied with the fact that his daughter can have an advantageous marriage, which will be beneficial to the Capulet house hold; by the fact that the person Juliet marries (preferably Paris) will be rich and give the Capulet family a higher status.

Lady Capulet also gives the impression to the audience of the play that she would value her husband’s opinions and will over her daughter’s. The audience knows this because when Lady Capulet asks ...

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