Explore how writer present choices in Macbeth by William Shakespeare and the Laboratory by Robert Browning. In this essay I will construct an analysis of the two main female protagonists in Macbeth by William Shakespeare and The Labatory by Robert Browning. I will reflect on the choices made by both protagonists and the inevitable consequences of them. Although both texts are written in different forms of literature – Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” being in the form of a play and “The Labatory” being in the form of a poem both texts create powerful imagery and through use of language evokes strong perceptions from the audience. We as the audience are given the impression that both women are ambitious and powerful as they both successfully choose to manipulate men to make their aspirations a reality – Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband, this is portrayed malevolently when Macbeth hesitates in the murder of King Duncan and Lady Macbeth –palpably the dominant character in this scene insinuates him as a coward by ridiculing his masculinity and declares “I have given suck and know how
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A highly confident and well articulated essay which remains focused on the question. Evidence is used for Macbeth but only a little for Browning. Structure is also looked at.