Explore the ways in which Stevenson uses setting to enhance the readers understanding of character in Jekyll and Hyde.

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Explore the ways in which Stevenson uses setting to enhance the reader’s understanding of character in Jekyll and Hyde.

When ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ was written, London was a very dark place, where a series of gruesome crimes had taken place. Although it was the largest and the richest city in the entire world, it contained extremes of wealth and poverty; it was almost as if there was a dividing line, there were two different worlds in one city. Also, many people still believed in God and that we were all descendants of Adam and Eve. However, attitude towards both, crime and religion, was changing due to scientific theories like ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘the theory of evolution’ coming out to the British public for the very first time.

Robert Louis Stevenson used many different settings to represent two sides to one personality in his novel. At the beginning of the novel, Stevenson describes a bright, inviting street. The description is full of good comments and putting the street into the light-“florid charms…street shone out in contrast…cleanliness and gaiety of note” demonstrate this point. The full of life, happy street leads the reader to believe that this description describes some of the characters personalities, good etc. The atmosphere created by the thriving street is an inviting one, welcoming anyone to visit. However in contrast to the bright welcoming street is the “sinister block of building” at the end of the street. The way it is describes give the impression that the building is shrouded in darkness and holds many secrets. The description of the building builds up tension of something terrible that either happens early on in the story or at a later point, “discoloured wall…showed no window…marks of prolonged and sordid negligence…blistered and distained”. The idea of no windows in the building creates the feeling of secrecy and that whoever lives/lived there has/had many dark secrets to keep from the outside world. The use of the words “discoloured wall…blistered and distained” would lead the reader to believe that after many years of neglect the wall has changed colour and the paint that was once on the wall has peeled and become distained. With the word blistered, it makes the reader think of something covered in bumps over the wall and dirt. The appearance of the building, the negligence, colour of the wall, no windows etc and the atmosphere of dark secrecy reflect the theme of cruelty and violence within Dr Jekyll in the form of Mr Hyde.  The atmosphere that is immediately created by this description is dark and evil, full of bad things and people. It shows the theme of duality of man and the evil of man compared to the bright street showing the good in man.

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There are many clues in the two setting descriptions about the contrast between the main characters and themes.  The positive descriptions of the street the good in man, representing the characters of Dr Jekyll and Mr Utterson. Dr Jekyll was the respectable man in society, good-natured and enjoyed the company of his friends. The description of the street represents Jekyll to a certain extent; he is good, welcoming, and all the characteristics of the charming street but with a dark secret, that also connects him to the sinister building of repression, horror and evil. Utterson was a repressed man, ...

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