Mr Collins was disliked by most of the family but he thought it was right for a clergyman like him to get married. Later on in the novel he proposed to Elizabeth who is the second oldest from Jane in the family because he thought since he was going to inherit the property it would have been good to get married to one of the girls in Mr Bennet’s family. But in fact Elizabeth refuses his proposal because she felt they were ill qualified for each other; also she wouldn’t have been happy living with Mr Collins because he wasn’t marrying her much for love but for reputation. Mrs Bennet’s reaction to this was demanding because she got so stressed when she found out that Elizabeth had refused his proposal because she thought that she wasn’t going to have another offer of marriage because in those days it was hard to get married. When she asks Mr Bennet to force Elizabeth to get married he supported her instead by saying she could do what she wanted. I think that attitude wise (according to the film) and the appearance of Mr Collins wasn’t going to suit Elizabeth’s character
Charlotte Lucas is Elizabeth’s close friend. When Elizabeth had rejected his proposal Charlotte Lucas invited Mr Collins to dinner to ease his pain but she ended up getting proposed to and becoming Mrs Collins. Charlotte did this because she felt she would never get a proposal ever again. But Mr Collins just wanted to marry her because he thought it was good and right for a high quality man like him to have a wife because he suggests “It is a truth universally acknowledged a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want for a wife”. I think it was not right for Charlotte to get married to Mr Collins because she ended up regretting the decision because she didn’t spend much time with him. Elizabeth’s reaction was quite impolite because she didn’t want Mr Collins to marry her friend because she felt that she was ill qualified.
Mr and Mrs Gardiner are good couple who genuinely love each other also they married for love not for money. Also both of them are in favour of Jane and doubt Mr Bingley’s love for Jane.
Elizabeth refuses Mr Darcy’s proposal because Mr Darcy does everything that isn’t worth hearing about her and her family. Also he says that his class and Elizabeth’s class are not equal but yet he still loves her for who she is. Later on in the story Mr Darcy admits that he helped split up Jane and Mr Bingley because he thought they were not in love and that Jane was too low class. This makes Elizabeth more agitated because Mr Darcy wasn’t suppose to be getting involved in something that had nothing to do with him. So she angrily refuses his proposal.
In the novel she says “You offend me and insult me and choose to tell me you lied against your will and against your reason and even against your character”. This meant even though Mr Darcy said a lot of unworthy things about her and her family he still loves Elizabeth. I think this is not fair on Elizabeth because if some one wanted to marry anyone successfully they would show them a positive attitude and also they would say good compliments. On the other hand Mr Darcy was very brave to say all o f the comments and yet still love someone.
Before she refused Mr Darcy’s proposal he said to her “In vain I have struggled it will not do, my feelings will not be repressed, you must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire you and love you” This means that Mr Darcy could not hold his feelings back. I think this would have been an ideal if he hadn’t split up Jane and Mr Bingley and if he hadn’t said negative comments about Elizabeth and her family
Mr Wickham is a very respectful young man if you don’t know his background and real intentions. “Looks are deceiving” this links to Mr Wickham’s character. Mr Wickham and Lydia had a close relationship. And when Lydia went to Brighton she ended up running away to London with Mr Wickham but Mr Wickham didn’t get into a relationship with Lydia because he loved her but instead he want the little money that Lydia had. Nevertheless Mr Wickham never intended to marry Lydia, but as soon as Mr Darcy finds out that they had run away. Mr Darcy followed them. When he found them he bribed Mr Wickham because he wanted to keep the relationship with the Bennets intact and to make their future much better since he was very rich. I think that Mr Wickham is a lady’s user and he is always in money depts, that Mr Darcy had to pay in the end.
Elizabeth finally admits that she loved Mr Darcy. Jane Austen suggests that Elizabeth and Mr Darcy’s love for each other was an ideal marriage because of the way they suit each other.
Mr Darcy would benefit “ease and liveliness” from Elizabeth and she would gain a better understanding the world. I think that Mr Darcy and Elizabeth were just the right couple. In that time passions were much stronger than virtue.
The language that Jane Austen uses is very contradictory because in the novel there were a lot of twists to stories within different characters. Jane Austen’s use of irony to emphasise her views of marriage were strong because she used a lot of different views on marriage. This also links expectations to a good marriage.
In today’s society most people consider a good marriage according to love rather than wealth and status. Wealth and Class Contributes to Pride and Prejudice, Pride and Prejudice is a prime example of how much society has changed in just under a hundred years. Today England seems to be a place of freedom, where most people are not concerned about manners, class or their lifestyle which is completely the opposite from Jane Austen's day. The first line states 'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in procession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife' opens the novel ironically. Also some people don’t mind about marriage they outdate it as long as they are in love and they have a place to stay. People get married today because that if they move to another country they won’t have to be separated from their partners.
I think that to make a good marriage the person must obviously be in love and intend the best for the partners.
Finally I think that Austen’s views on marriage were opposing to some people but I agree with her points on marriages because a lot of people get in and out of complicated relationships.
Moreover the relationships between men and women represent the society that we live in because if everyone around us was having good and successful marriages it would show that the society that we live in is good and respectful.