Ghost story - As if by magic

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“As you can see from this tour this mansion is a bargain buy and you only need to make a few adjustments and it will be as good as new!” Said the Estate agent gesticulating widely with his hands.

The estate agent was a tall man, who was smartly dressed in what appeared to be a tailor made suit. The estate agent had a white name tag that read Ian and he had a short, but pointed nose. He had smart squared glasses with a noticeable parting of his hair. Each side of his parting was gelled to his head. Ian took two other men round a corner into a room that was lacking light, a good paint job and anything that a room needs! All the elongated room had was a table with two chairs and a window which was single glazed with cob webs and dust that had looked like it had been collected over fifty years. The table was the main focus point as it was the only real thing in the room but as you walked in and you saw the room with its peeling paint and wallpaper and splatters of different colours of paint over the walls like the paint had been thrown over the walls. The room looked different from all of the other rooms in the house. One of the men, the taller one, then asked Ian, “ why is the room different from the rest of the house?”

The man that asked Ian was about 6ft 6, brown hair that was cropped with dark bushy eyebrows. He had light green eyes with a dominant cheek line. He seemed to be a self made man as he spoke with quite a northern accent and did not pronounce his t’s like you would expect a rich, posh man to. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He looked like he was a local bouncer and ‘if your name was not down you weren’t going in.’ “I’m sorry I did not quite catch that sir.” Replied Ian.

“Please call me Ray and this my brother Peter.” Ray told Ian. Peter just stood there expressionless as he examined the room with his eyes. He was much shorter than Ray he looked about 5ft 9 and was wearing a brown suit and had blue eyes with long hair which he had put back in a ponytail. He seemed the quiet one, as he really did not speak much whilst his brother did.

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“Okay! Peter and Ray, the reason this room is different from the rest of the house is because of the history behind it. You see, back in the Victorian age one of the previous owners who was known as Billy Banks. He was a very rich but lonely man who had no partner or children or no friends. Anyway he would have this team of cleaners who would come up to this mansion every day and clean and then they would get paid and leave. Anyway one morning on July 4th, the cleaners came up to here and whilst on ...

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