How does Dickens Present the Issue of Children in Victorian society?

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How does Dickens Present the Issue of

Children in Victorian society?

Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. He lived a happy childhood. Everything was fine until 1824 when Dickens was 12 his father, John Dickens was sent to Marshalsea prison for debt. Dickens was put to work in the Warners blacking factory.

   When John Dickens left prison Dickens was told by his mother to stay on working at the factory. He found working there a humiliating experience but the good thing is it inspired much of his fiction in later life.

   Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’ as a warning to London. London at the time was much divided, it was split into the poor and rich living, and there was no middle class. The rich would be VERY rich, would own masses of land, they would have extravagant clothes and foods with servants serving them their marvellous foods. Whereas the poor was VERY poor! The vast majority would be homeless, probably scavenge for food and all that they owned would be the clothes that they had on. The poor would be living on very dirty streets that were filled with disease and famine. On page 69 we get to see how bad these streets are as Dickens gives us a graphic detail of them. He describes the alleys and arches as cesspools. Cesspools were pits at the end of some (most) streets where all waste products were dumped – including human waste! This paragraph in the novel really shows us as the audience just how bad London was at the time.

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The warning was that:

    ‘If the children of today keep on growing up like they are, uneducated and neglected, the outlook for this country and its nation is a very bad one ‘

His very famous play ‘A Christmas Carol’ written in 1842 showed a great reflection of London society e.g. we had the poor and the rich – Scrooge (the main character) and tiny Tim (a disabled poor child.)

The character of scrooge was a very cold and lonely one. We can relate Scrooge to Dickens because scrooge had spent many Christmas’s alone at boarding school ...

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