How does Harper Lee portray a racist society in Part 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird?

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How does Harper Lee portray a racist society in Part 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird?

Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is thought of as one of the fiction stories greats. This novel is about human dignity and the right to be left alone to live as you please.  It's also the story of growing up and learning some very harsh, but much needed lessons. One of the “much needed lessons” in this book is about the acceptance and equality of everyone in a society, the acceptance of race and how to deal with racism. The Book is split into two sections. This essay has asked me to concentrate on Harper Lee’s portrayal of a racist Society in Part 1 of the book.

  The society I talk of is that of Maycomb in Maycomb County located in the Southern States of America. Maycomb was a very old town, a tired town, it had a slow pace of life, with very little to do. It was a tight net society where everyone knew each other. Everyone knew each other’s backgrounds and history’s. It was also a very religious town.


In part 1 Harper Lee concentrates on bringing across these points and characteristics, and introduces and illustrates the townspeople’s personalities, history and attributes. The story of the Novel is not brought out until Part 2, when the reader feels they know the characters. I think that Harper Lee in part 1 attempts to make the reader feel like they are part of Maycomb’s society. As I said, everyone in Maycomb knew each other, and after part 1 as the reader knows the most people of Maycomb, I think they begin to feel like they are part of the society. This would result in the reader becoming more involved and ‘wrapped up in the story’.

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  Because part 1 is mainly spent on setting the scene and introducing characters, the story of racism and discrimination is not yet brought out. The racism element is slowly brought across in a ‘drip drip’ style.  Harper Lee merely indicates that race was an issue people faced in America at that time.  It is introduced very slowly and subtlety in part 1. The book is written so that every once in a while the issue of race and the characters views on it are brought out. For example, on page 94 of the novel the main character, Atticus talks ...

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