How does Miller create tension in Act I of "The Crucible"?

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Sean Fabri

Crucible Essay

How does Miller create tension in Act I of “The Crucible”

Arthur Miller wrote “The Crucible” for his beliefs in McCarthyism, rampant at that time. He was against it – being a hunt of the communist figures, no matter how questionable they being communist in the slightest. It was sparked by a fear that Russia was going to take over the world. Making people scared and suspicious, Miller had to be subtle in expressing his anti McCarthyist views, so he used an allegory – a play. This play used the Salem witch hunt, similar because of the unsupported accusations, the people encouraged to denounce their friends, and fear and suspicion. The Salem witch hunt was more brutal, with the “witches” being killed, with only people’s accusations as evidence. Miller had to recontextualize the story, to stop accusations against him. The first words spoken being “My Betty be hearty soon?”. The title is fitting as a crucible is a container where metals are purified after heating. It reflects how Proctor has been heated by his ordeal and came through to die, his conscience clear – purified. I will explore the techniques used in creating the play, to create various moods in the mind of the audience, in Act I.

In Act I we find Parris’s and Mrs. Put’m’s children – Betty and Ruth, inanimate on their beds. People are jumping to the Devil and Parris is putting that off, scared for his name in the village. We find that Abigail and friends had been dancing in the woods. We do get clues that the girls are faking their illness, as Betty wakes up when Parris leaves the room, we find Abigail quickly becomes the leader; an expert is called in – Mr. Hale. Abigail takes the chance to talk to John Proctor, who becomes the main character. Tituba. Parris’s slave, as usual is blamed for witching the two children in the woods. This cause a lot of the girls to say they saw each other with the Devil. In terms of this plot tension is created within the audience. The secrecy and mistrust creates this. Talking behind people’s backs and the ducking and diving which takes place is the cause. How the plot thickens so quickly would make the audience more uneasy. The dramatic irony with the talking behind each others backs creates tension, and involves them more; they want to see what happens.

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The techniques used to create meaning for the reader, is the overture and the prose on the characters. The reader trusts the prose and they give information on the characters, they are there because there can be no nuances or subtext in the speech, creating a fast story, the prose slows it down, getting the reader more involved.

An audience wouldn’t have these to guide them, it would be up to the actors to read the prose and interpret them in their acting.

        The play was performed when McCarthyism was at its peak, so it would be blindingly obvious to ...

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