How does Priestly present the change in Sheila? How does this reflect some of Priestly's ideas?

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07/09/2012 Q18 how does Priestley present the change in Sheila during the course of the play An Inspector Calls? How do you think this change reflects some of Priestley’s ideas?In the play an inspector calls by J.B Priestley. The character Sheila is used to represent the author’s ideas of change from the class system, where everyone is grouped by wealth and walls are built between them. To the socialist way where everyone is equal and there are no extremes and responsibility shared for one another's welfare. He embraces this idea in his play by showing the change in her from one idea to the other.initially Sheila is introduced as a girl that values material objects such who lives a comfortable lifestyle "pleased in life" and has not yet matured to a point where material value is worth less
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 to her than the people around her that actually are there to befriend her and not to use her like her father is. We see this through her reaction to Gerald when he presents her with the engagement ring "is it the one I wanted." and through the way that she obsesses over the ring taking no interest in what it represents. We also see that Sheila is a girl eager to conform to her parent’s expectations, marrying at a, young age and to the man that Mr Birling hopes will allow his business to prosper.As the play develops Priestley ...

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