How does Shakespeare make the Balcony Scene and the Death Scene in Romeo & Juliet Dramatically Effective?

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Stan Allen                                                  10M                                             ENGLISH

How does Shakespeare make the Balcony Scene and the Death Scene in Romeo & Juliet Dramatically Effective?

Shakespeare's famous play begins with a Prologue which establishes that this play will be a tragic one, and that the children of two families in constant quarrel (“ancient grudge”), Romeo of the Montague family and Juliet of the Capulet family, will both fall in love and die in the course of this play.

The Prologue does not merely set the scene of Romeo and Juliet, it tells the audience exactly what is going to happen.
The prologue lines 6 – 10:

“A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
    Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
    Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
    The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
    And the continuance of their parents' rage,”

The audience therefore watches the play with the expectation that it must fulfill the terms set in the Prologue. The structure of the play itself is the fate from which Romeo and Juliet cannot escape.

There are certain eternal themes that will always

still be relevant in any old play, things like love/hate/death/romance/jealousy and pain, there are still families who dislike and argue over each other. Families who often argue teach their younger generation to dislike the other family causing them to altercate and kill each other out of spite and hatred, and people still make stupid choices in life.
Unfortunately Romeo and Juliet shows the nasty side of human altercations.
These are all things that have been around since forever, so it doesn’t matter when it was written, they’ve always been here and shall continue to be around for as long as mankind can remember.

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Deep Human emotions do not modernize opposed to the things around us like technology and way of living, so they would be the same in Shakespeare’s time as they are today.

Shakespeare’s memories and stories will continue to be told within the globe theatre, which is still having inpact on modern life, people go to see plays there, even modern plays are being used in there at the moment, it’s an incredibly famous building which should continue to stand for hundreds more years.

Who knows, maybe Shakespeare even got some of his characters emotions from personal experiences?
The most obvious evidence ...

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This essay has some perceptive and sensitive analysis and shows a good understanding of the play. It also shows in places sophisticated language analysis. However the whole essay should be more focused on the question and use topic sentences at the start of each paragraph to inform the reader what the paragraph is going to be about and to refer to the essay question. Knowledge of social and historical context is sound but there needs to be more exploration of the death scene - it ends very abruptly with a very unsatisfactory exploration of the final scene and the ultimate line is confusing and unexplained. But important to exemplify how each part of the question needs equal weighting and a conclusion is