How Does shakespeare represent Men

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Sparkle and Sea


“MUM!” I yelled. “Mum you’ve got a phone call! Mum!!!!” I screamed my lungs out. I look into her bedroom and nothing is there but the duvet hung out of the window. I’m very disappointed and angry. This is the 5th time she has done this to me in a week. Every Sunday evening she makes a promise to me, that she will be good to me, herself and everyone else from then on. I am sick and tired of her making promises that she will never keep. “Sparkle darling, I’ve got something extremely important to tell you…” I get anxious. “… I know I haven’t really been a good mother lately, I have been really evil and I’m sozzy. I promise I’ll make it up to you, starting from now… you wanna go Mackey D’s? I heard the new buy one get one offer is out?” We kiss and make up, but later in the evening, she would secretly sneak out with her lavender flavoured duvet, the especially hand-made from morocco. Spoilt by rosy, (the cat) and the black mushy substance other known as soil.

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This time it’s not only me who is gonna get angry…




I hear the door bang shut and laughing bouncing off the walls. “Sparkle! I’ve got a surprise for you, to make up for today……. Sparkle?”

I sit there gritting my teeth in the dark from the living room while the kitchen light is on. I then turn on the lamp, look at the clock and stand up furiously saying “Have you seen the time? It is 5:15am; I should be sleeping and you should be in the kitchen? How many times have I forgiven you? I’m ...

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