How does Shakespeare show Romeo's mood change in Act 3 Scene 1. You should consider his language, his actions and how you think the role should be acted.

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By James Hayward

How does Shakespeare show Romeo’s

mood change in Act 3 Scene 1.

You should consider his language, his

actions and how you think the role should be acted.

In this Essay I shall be talking about this very important part in the play, Act 3 Scene 1.

This part in the play show’s a how Romeo’s mood changes from being happy, to being devastated in a very short time.

My aim is to explain why Act 3 Scene 1 is such an important part of the play.

At the beginning of the play we learn that Romeo was deeply in love with someone called Rosaline. He was very depressed because he wasn’t going out with Rosaline, then as soon as he saw Juliet he totally forgot about Rosaline and he got hooked on Juliet.

When he first saw Juliet he thought that she was the most beautiful person in the world, He’d never seen such beauty in all his life.

“O she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night…” Romeo used a metaphor in this sentence, because Juliet doesn’t teach the torches to burn brightly, Romeo is actually saying how is so beautiful she is.

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When Romeo enters in act 3 scene 1 on line 49, he would come onto the stage quickly, almost skipping because he is so happy, he is so happy because he has just married the girl of his dreams, Juliet. We know she is very special to him, because when Romeo saw Juliet he said;

“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night.”

Then he marries her, after convincing father Lawrence that if they get married then their families might stop fighting.

You can see that he is happy ...

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There are some good points made in this essay but there are opportunities to link points up within the scene and with other points in the play, which would enable the scene to be analysed in more depth. When considering a particular scene always think about the setting (the weather for example), and what this contributes to the scene and its meaning. 4 Stars