How does Steinbeck use animals to show the themes in "Of Mice and Men

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How does Steinbeck use animals to show the main themes in “Of Mice and Men?”

This story is about two men (George and Lennie) and their desperate hope in that they will raise enough money so that they can purchase a plot of land and “live of the fatta the land”. In this essay I will discuss how Steinbeck uses animals to show the themes of, friendship/loneliness, anger/violence, cruelty/kindness and dreams. The main points that I will be discussing are, how Lennie connects with animals, how Steinbeck portrays loneliness through animals, how the American dream fuels and directs the story, how Crooks is treated like an animal and has animal instincts himself, how killing of animals foreshadows the story, how Steinbeck uses animals to symbolize or reflect different emotions the characters are experiencing and  the way Lennie is killed at the end which summarises that Lennie connects with animals in the most devastating way.

At the beginning of the story Lennie is drinking from the pool as though he is an animal. “Drank with big long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse”, this straight away reveals to us that Lennie has animal instincts. When Lennie and George arrive at the ranch, immediately Curley begins to show aggression towards Lennie as an animal would do to protect it’s territory, Curley tries to bait Lennie into having confrontation with him. This is the same technique people use to catch animals and that is exactly what Curley is trying to achieve with Lennie.

        An important style of how Steinbeck represents people and themes is through rabbits and example of this is, at the beginning of the story Lennie and George are fleeing from their home town. This is shown by the rabbits as they are fleeing themselves, “The rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover”. Steinbeck compares the animals to people very early on in the story, which gives you an idea that Steinbeck will compare the characters and themes through animals throughout the story.  

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A main theme that Steinbeck portrays through animals is Loniness. In “Of Mice and Men”, Candy’s dog represents the fate awaiting anyone who has outlived his or her purpose. Once a fine sheepdog, useful on the ranch, Candy’s mutt is now debilitated by age. ”Well – Hell! I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup. I herded sheep with him. He said proudly”. Candy’s sentimental attachment to the animal and the fact that he raised the dog from a puppy is his plea to Carlson to let the dog live, however in that era and on ...

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Animals are a significant element of Steinbeck's story. As the essay writer ably points out, they appear in most episodes, as harbingers, warnings or to add emphasis to the central action. The essay is mostly well conducted, picking up the main themes, one by one, and relating them to animals. Sentences and paragraph structure are largely well-controlled, with some notable lapses. Quotations are well chosen and explained to support the points being made. Not enough is made of the central feature of Lennie's attitude to animals, that is the fatal element in the final tragedy. 4 stars