how does the director paul greengrass create tension in the film united 93

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How Does the Director Paul Greengrass Create Tension in the Film United 93?

On Tuesday September 11th 2001, four planes were hijacked. Three hit their targets, one did not; this plane was United Airlines Flight 93. Flight 93 was a scheduled  domestic passenger flight from , , to  that was  by four . These terrorists were called; Ziad Jarrah, Ahmed al-Nami,  and .  Flight 93 aircraft was a , and had a capacity of 182 passengers, but the September 11 flight carried only 37 passengers and seven crew members. The flight was scheduled to depart at 08.00, but there was a delay and did not depart until 08.42; due to airport congestion. By the time Flight 93 became airborne, Flight 11 had already been commandeered and Flight 175 was being hijacked. The target that was intended for Flight 93 to hit was, according to the film, The White House. At approximately 08.45, American Airline Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Centre. Another attack, United Airline Flight 175; at 09.03; hit the South Tower of the World Trade Centre. At 09.43, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, sending a huge plume of smoke. United Airline Flight 93 crashed in a field in , and as it was the only plane hijacked that did not hit its intended target, went down in History as “the flight that fought back”. The flight had gotten this title because the passengers made a courageous move to fight back the terrorists. It is also known that all these hijackings were planned by the al-Qaeda. In this piece of coursework, I am going to discuss how Director Paul Greengrass creates tension in the film United 93, even though we know the tragic fate of the passengers and the four planes.

In United 93, the people acting in the film were trained particularly to act like the people that they were impersonating. The passengers were also deliberately cast because they looked similar to the real people, and they were also trained to make gestures like them as well. Paul Greengrass does this with the help of family members and the people who knew the person who was on board United Airlines Flight 93 at the time of the hijacking (11th September). As the people of Air Traffic Control did not die during the attacks, some of them played themselves, so as to make it more realistic. This has an advantage because they can be perfect at being themselves, and remember what they had done on the day of 11th September. Throughout the whole of the film, there are also no famous people dominating the scene. This is due to the fact that then, they would get more attention out of the viewers; instead of the viewers focusing on everything else, and they would focus more on the famous actors. From another point of view, if there were famous people, viewers may just view the film as a movie, not as a real life situation. Due to this, the viewers would not take the film seriously and they might not even care for anyone else apart for the famous actors.  

The bomb is made by using a large battery and six pieces of ‘super modeling clay’, and stuck together with red tape. Then, wires are attached to the top of the battery and the hijacker straps the fake bomb around his waist. As the bomb is being made, the passengers are being served breakfast, and some are sleeping and listening to music. This shows that the passengers are oblivious as to what is happening around them. There is also a heart-beat like music in the background, and it gets faster and louder as the bomb is getting made. This background music gives an atmosphere of suspense, as it feels like your own heart beating; getting louder and faster as you know that the attack is about to begin. This technique is also used to put us ‘on the edge’, and it causes agitation to create in the atmosphere.  When the bomb is being made, there is also a close-up camera shot on the bomb and the terrorists face. This technique is used on the terrorist making the bomb so that we can see that he is nervous and he is sweating; if you look carefully, you can also see that he is shaking a bit. The close-up shot is also used on the bomb so that we can see that it is a bomb, and this makes our heart beat faster and creates a tense atmosphere. The close-up camera shot technique was also used on the passengers, to show that they know nothing of the attack, and that they are completely innocent. Some passengers are eating, others are on their laptops, and some are even talking to each other. These little signs show us that the passengers know nothing of the attack that is about to happen on them and that the plane is about to get hijacked.  Sitting on their seats, the other terrorists are praying and hoping that all goes well. When the bomb was made, the terrorists sitting down knew that he had finished before he came out of the lavatory because the occupied sign had switched off. The passengers would have thought that he was using it, but in fact, he was making a bomb. When the occupied sign was on, they terrorists knew that the bomb was being made. This is Dramatic Irony because we know something that the passengers do not know; that the bomb had been made in the lavatory and the terrorist was coming out of it. For the terrorists however, when the occupied sign went off, they knew that they had to get ready to attack and hijack the plane, so the sign acted as a warning to get ready. This makes us feel anxious as we know that the attack is about to begin. As the terrorist comes out of the lavatory, he puts his bag in front of him to hide the lump that is actually the bomb. When he comes out, you can see a close up shot of all the terrorist’s faces, and you can see that the two sitting together are taking off their seatbelts.

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When the terrorist with the bomb sits down, you can see an old man reading a paper and discussing it with a person next to him, which exaggerates the fact that all the passengers are oblivious, even though the attack is only a few seconds away. The terrorist with the bomb starts getting out his knife from his waist, and you can see Ziad Jarrah looking tense, as he knew the attack was only a few seconds away. As the attack is about to begin, you can see the face of the terrorist with bomb changing and getting tenser, ...

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