"How does the multiple narrative structure affect the portrayal of Dracula and how is he shown to be an anti-hero?"

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“How does the multiple narrative structure affect the portrayal of Dracula and how is he shown to be an anti-hero?”

Dracula was written in 1897 by an Anglo-Irish writer named Bram Stoker. It was written in the gothic period at the end of the 19th century, this period effected the way the book was written and I will look at how it did this later in the essay. This is the same period as when other books like Women in white and Frankenstein were written. All 3 of these books were written using a multi narrative structure.

Multi-narrative is when a book is made up of many peoples opinions and views, they tell us the story, mainly in diary entries and newspaper extracts. The narrative is provided by Dracula’s foes, this means we only see one point of view and that is the one of his enemies so he is always portrayed to us as “wicked” and “evil”. This causes us to only hear a biased opinion of the events that took place. The book is mainly aimed at the British audience, we can see this because the many foreign characters that are in the story are not used in the book very much. This is because in Victorian society foreigners were looked down on by the English people. This is part of the reason why Dracula is portrayed badly because he is from Transylvania.

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The multi-narrative structure is used to make the story more believable and to make Dracula appear in the worst possible light, the multi-narrative affects how Dracula is portrayed because he has no narrative so we cannot see him from any other point of view apart from that of his enemies. I believe Stoker wrote the book in this context to make the story more credible and plausible. Bram Stoker used multi-narrative because it was conventional of gothic literature, it also makes the whole story more believable and it discredits Dracula because he doesn’t get any narrative so he is seen ...

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A good essay which shows understanding of the author's intentions and some very good social and historical knowledge. Excellent discussion of the audience's responses and an excellent comparison with other novels written in the same era. The basic flaws in this essay are a tendency to repeat ideas and phrases so more work needed to be done in planning the structure and content of paragraphs. However the essay does include personal opinions and some pertinent quotes and is generally well written ****