How have the poets you have studied explored the different aspects of love?

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Gopinath Sannathinathan 10 A

How have the poets you have studied explored the different aspects of love?

In the poems The Flea by John Donne, To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning, love is depicted in many different ways. The poems have been written by. In these poems different types of love are shown, especially lustful, obsessive romantic and possessive types of love. Love poems from different era and writers show and contrast love in many different ways. The Flea and To His Coy Mistress were both written in the 17th century and Porphyria’s Lover was written in the 19th century.    

In To His Coy Mistress the main argument hinges on the mortality of the lovers. This is because he states that if they had all the time in the world, then they would have the time to be coy. Here the male is trying to get his lover into bed with him. He argues that if they had all eternal amount of time then there would be now problem. He says that time is running out and that they should sleep with each other. In To His Coy Mistress the poet uses time to persuade the women to sleep with him,

“Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.”

This can be seen as a valid argument as time is indeed going on and is being wasted on waiting. The narrator says that there is no time is to wait and be coy as time is going on, and can be seen as a crime. Even though he does not say that being coy is a crime when there is limited time in the world. To this across he says:

“Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.”

The narrator is saying that if there was enough time in the world then being coy would not be a crime. This is the same as saying that being coy is a crime in a world where time was limited. The narrator in To His Coy Mistress uses imagery and advices the woman that time is passing,

“But at my back I always hear
Time's winged chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.”

He says they are standing in the Deserts of vast eternity which is heaven. Also the narrator uses beautiful imagery to please his lover, these images is mainly geographical:

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“Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood;

This shows that seventeenth century love was beautiful; by comparing the two rivers, of which one is beautiful and holy, he creates the idea of long time. The comaprision of the two rivers also compares their love. Because he uses the beautiful, Ganges, and the unpleasant Humber, to show this. Also religion is also brought into this by mentioning the flood; this is the flood that that was mentioned in the story of Noah.


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