How is Curleys wife presented and developed within the novel "Of mice and men"?

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How is Curley’s wife presented and developed within the novel?

Curley’s wife is portrayed as the recently married, young wife of the boss’s son, Curley . To the reader’s knowledge, she’s the only woman on the ranch,  and lives in a male dominated environment, surrounded by the ranch hands..  She is probably in her mid- twenties and seemingly comes from a working class background, and speaks in the same colloquial manner as the men, suggesting a basic education. We know little about her family except for her mother with whom she doesn’t seem to enjoy a positive relationship.  She appears at various points in the novel, supposedly, under the pretext  of “looking for curley” and we are led to believe that she is unhappily married.

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She first appears in the novel shortly after  the arrival of George and Lennie  at the ranch. We are told that she is heavily made up and is wearing “a cotton house dress and red mules’  with ‘ ostrich  feathers’ and her nails painted red. She is depicted as inappropriately dressed for such an environment and seems to want to  overtly emphasise her femininity  in this male environment.  She is “ dressed  to kill”, which  makes her appear tarty and flirtatious. It seems from the outset Steinbeck intends to portray her in a negative light. This perhaps make the reader ...

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