Baz Luhrmann uses the lines of prologues as markers as if to indicate that significant events are about to occur. Instead of a time, date and place he uses the prologue. Also he uses techniques of speed panning whereby the lens is swivelled as the camera zooms from skyscrapers. Baz Luhrmann has used the skyscrapers with the names “Capulet and Montague” on the top to connotes two wealthy families in a modern sense.
The camera moving from object/scene to scene shows a series of cuts. There are close ups of the characters to the statue of Christ then to a series of newspapers about events involving the two families as well as small clips from the film. The resulting effect is one of chaos, as if preparing us for chaos to come.
Also adding to the sense of tragedy when the camera is close on the family member’s faces there is a sense of tragedy as not one of them is smiling. There are no emotions on the face to suggest any form of happiness.
Baz Luhrmann decided to use a wide range of clips; He uses ones of action, violence, fighting, bloodshed and bodies falling after being shot. All these choices make it seem that Baz Luhrmann used all these different clips and different affects to make the film seem an action/thriller instead of the romance that William Shakespeare is famous for.
One effect of the opening sequence is to be targeting a teenage or younger audience Baz Luhrmann possibly did this to make it seem interesting and more realistic and to bring Shakespeare’s plays to life for a teenage audience.
The Capulets and Montague’s image also helps to reinforce the sense of tragedy. The Capulets tend to wear black that suggest death or darkness. Also the Capulet boys seem to be the more dominant group, more people are scared of them, whereas the Montague’s which wear Hawaiian shirts and brightly coloured hair suggesting a more casual approach and, when faced with a fight, back away from what they started.
In the opening scene there seems to be an introduction to a Wild West iconography. This is first suggested when Tybalt steps out of his car wearing black boots with spurs on the heel. It is suggested secondarily when the petrol sign starts to sway in the wind on its rusty hinges.
Music reminiscent of Hollywood western movies is also used distinctively during that first scene suggesting old western movies. The effect of all these can add two effects; one of which is a sense of tragedy by including the contrasting humour, or is unsuccessful by introducing another genre and dashing the tragic sense of humour.
Shakespeare as a promotion of tragedy conveys the moment that Romeo is about to enter the Capulet party. This sense of impending doom is carried in Romeos word. Expressing his feeling that the party will be the beginning of tragedy. How does Luhrmann convey this sense of impending doom? He has Romeo take a hallucinatory drug, given to him by Mercutio, who was dresses as a woman and obviously on drugs. The audience is shown Romeos hallucination, the church where Juliet’s body is entombed, and a scene that recurs later in the film.
Does this imply that Baz Luhrmann is supporting the Drug culture?
He could simply be presenting American culture as it is.
Or challenging the drug culture by presenting the characters whose lives end tragically as drug takers.
Midway through this film is a pivotal event: the death of Mercutio at the hands of Tybalt. This then leads to the death of Tybalt by Romeos hands. It happens on a palm-fringed beachfront: Verona Beach. In the background, in the same scene a hurricane is approaching: the sky is darkening, the palms are being whipped by the high winds, the stall keepers are hurrying to close up and flee; The darkness rushes in to engulf them as the storm breaks over them, there is a satisfying symbolism: the death has a metaphysical and spiritual dimension, as well as more immediate implications for plot and character relationships.
Before this event, hope and peace and the reconciliation of the families seem possible. Once Romeo has killed Tybalt, however he is banished and tragedy ensues swiftly. This is a pivotal scene. Baz Luhrmann’s does this by the dark storm clouds and the rain. The music also helps to convey this sense. The music is non diegetic it enhance the mood and atmosphere.
Baz Luhrmann’s conveys the contrast between the previous scene, Romeo and Juliet leaving to marry and next by showing the marriage ceremony. . Whilst inside the church a hopeful mod is conveyed. It is signified in the church interior the high vaulting walls co notates being enclosed from the violence that waits outside. The music grows in volume to a crescendo this reinforces the sense of peace. Doves flying co notates with the Noah’s ark story it does this as in the Noah’s ark story a sense of peace a promise of no more devastation. This links t the promise in the vows made by Romeo and Juliet.