Hunting Snake is a poem written by an author called Judith Wright.

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DIVS Summer Work: Hunting Snake

        Hunting Snake is a poem written by an author called Judith Wright. Judith was an author known for roaming around in the countryside and one time she encountered a snake. During the poem she carefully describes the snake as if she was examining its movements and appearances closely. The main theme of the poem is about nature whilst the subject of the poem is about ‘the great black snake.’ The poem is a traditional four line stanza with a simple rhyme. Wright manages to create a sense of shock and fear but also relief when the snake passes by changing the rhythm of the poem.

        The author is portrayed as a nature lover in the first two lines as she is described as walking under the ‘gentlest sky’ with others. Wright loves nature so much and respects it that she uses the adjective ‘gentlest’ to help describe the sky. She uses personification to show how the season seems like a pleasant human being by using the phrase ‘late season’s grace.’ The poems rhythm and pace seems steady at this point until the third line where she has the encounter with the snake.

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        Wright introduces the snake in line three but makes the reader wonder whether she stopped because of the fear or beauty of the creature. The narrator could possibly be impressed by the snake.

        The author uses the word ‘great’ to imply that the snake has a certain power. She almost seems to be hypnotized by the ‘reeling’ movements of the snake that she has forgotten about the fact that it could be poisonous. The moment she saw the snake she ‘froze half through a pace’ indicating the shock she was in. The use of the caesura after the word ‘walked’ ...

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