I'm the King of the Castle" - In her after word, the writer talks about "the evil - for I think I evil-of Hooper". What do you think the novel says about the nature of evil in people?

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I’m the King of the Castle”

Qn: In her after word, the writer talks about “the evil – for I think I evil—of Hooper”. What do you think the novel says about the nature of evil in people?

          In my perspective, I do not believe that people are born evil. “Evil” is undisputedly an arbitrary term whereby different people have different scope of what evil is.  Susan Hill’s definition of “evil” is that of Hooper –being sadistic and afflicting harm in others, as seen in Hooper. Yet, I feel that Hill’s definition of “evil” is rather cynical and biased. Hill should not even relate Hooper to “evil” in the first place, as the child is still growing up and does not know how to differentiate between good and bad, and the fact that he does not receive any love and care sort of make him an “emotionless” person. Thus purely describing him as evil is somewhat biased. I think better adjectives to describe him are probably contumacious and unfeeling. In my essay, I’ll first prove that Hooper’s cruelty is due to his lack of fundamental love and care and that it is due to some circumstances that drove him to be who he is. Secondly, I’ll prove that Hooper cannot be really blamed for his evilness, and lastly, I’ll counter opposing arguments put across and further reinforce on my motion.

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        Firstly, the fact that Hooper is cruel cannot be denied. Yet, one must take into consideration that it is the environment and external influences that led him to be evil. Hooper is born into a dysfunctional family. His mother died when he was very young, and that deprived him of mother–love, which is often thought to be very important and influential during a child’s growing phase. In addition, Hooper’s situation is made worse due to lack of father’s care and understanding. Hooper is thus deprived of any love and care, which any other normal child would have gotten. Thus, ...

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