Imagine that Banquo also writes a letter to his wife. It would be a long letter in which he would tell her about the battle, and end just before he is killed. There are three sections.To my Dearest,

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Banquo’s Letter

Imagine that Banquo also writes a letter to his wife. It would be a long letter in which he would tell her about the battle, and end just before he is killed. There are three sections.

To my Dearest,

I am pleased to report of our triumph. We have fought a long, hard battle during which I have seen many unsightly things. Macbeth, yet again has shone in bravery and courage, without him I am sure we would have surrendered long ago. I am thankful of our victory, it has certainly revived our spirits. The lengthy battle has sacrificed many lives on both sides. I can now look forward to seeing you, I was not sure if I would be able to before the war had finished.

Across the heath, riding, Macbeth and I encountered three witches claming knowledge of future happenings. They made three predictions. The first and second predictions involve Macbeth. The first was that he is soon to be come the Thane of Cawdor, replacing the old Thane. The second prediction frightens me greatly, the witches forecast Macbeth to be king. I fear evil from the witches, and I am concerned for the kings well being. I cannot see how the possibility of Macbeth becoming king with Malcolm and Donaldbain still heirs to the throne. The third prediction made by these weird

Sisters are equally as puzzling, Fleance and any other future children of ours are to become descendants to the throne. I have been thrown into a world of mystery and I fail to think clearly and rationally. I am fearful of the kings safety and the sanity of Macbeth. He is obviously bewildered by everything and I can see through his courageous front. The long soul destroying battle has taken its toll on everybody. The uncertainty of who was our enemy and who was our friend. Now the news of the witches has occurred I do not know what will become of his state of mind. Macbeth does not know of my worries, but I cannot keep them secret for long, I will become increasingly suspicious every moment I spend in his company.

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This latest news I have received is extraordinary. Ross has just brought information of the treacherous behaviour of the Thane of Cawdor during the battle, because of this sudden unexpected news Ross also announced Macbeth as his successor. Of course I am pleased for my dear friend Macbeth but in my deep inner thoughts I feel fear a dark unknown fear for the kings life and all that succeeds him. If the second prediction is correct I fail to see apart from murder how it would come about. A murder of the king is like killing your brother no matter ...

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