Then, in the 1750s, the First Industrial Revolution began or as you call it the birth of the machines. I call it “the birth of my asthma problems”. People from all over the United States and Europe gathered at big cities to work in the factories. I absolutely had no idea why you humans would want to work in such bad and dangerous conditions and for so less pay. Children started to work in factories nation-wide just to support their families. Factories started to emerge more rapidly than homes.
Not happy with your results, you began to experiment with transportation. Inspired by your steam machines, you connected a few boxes together to create a steam powered nightmare to traverse the land. Your kind called it a ‘train’. Then, you created a long railroad to cross continents. With your new invention, you were travelling more faster than ever and you began to mass-produce your goods. My precious oil and coal were being used to power these monsters. My ailing health started to worsen.
Then, World War II began. I could only watch in horror as your kind slaughtered each other mercilessly. At that point, I began to wish for the good old days where your kind were nothing but imagination. With the end of World War II, you moved out of the big cities into the suburbs. As a result, more homes were built. Grasslands started to disappear. Animal habitats were destroyed. Needless to say, my health suffered.
Slowly, scientists began researching about the impact humans had on me. They started to realise what would happen if they continue down this path. So, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed by the USA. People began to realise the error of their ways and started to make up for it. We were going slow but we were headed in the right track and I was confident that we could prevent climate change. However, one problem quickly took over the former and animal loss became my number one priority.
Animals were hunted and killed only for food and clothing in the early days of mankind. However, animals were killed for much more now. You kill animals for luxuries and sports, in addition to food. I thought I was dreaming when I saw crocodile skin used for shoes and handbags. Even paperweights were made out of exotic animal skin! Due to this recent trend, the population of various animal species began to decrease drastically. You also began to expand your cities as your population to increase which resulted in more and more animals losing their habitat. Some of the animal species even went extinct like the dodo bird! Others were nearing the same fate.
Luckily, some humans noticed this rapid loss and pointed it out. Due to such humans, laws were passed out protecting the animals. Even stricter laws were enforced on protecting endangered species. Certain forests have been protected by law so that the animals inside can have a safe environment to live in. Refuges have also been built for the endangered species.
Slowly but surely, your kind are taking measures to heal me and taking care of this beautiful ecosystem that I have provided you with. We still have a long way to go but I am confident we can do it!