'In "David Copperfield" Dickens introduces us to a rich array of characters whose adventures enhance our understanding of Victorian life', discuss.

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"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens is a tale of a boy on his eventful road

to manhood. Set in the late 1800’s of the Victorian period, the novel portrays

many Victorian issues. Themes such as love and marriage, family life and

relationships, wealth and poverty, work and education, and law, are illustrated

by the individuality of the characters, which are influenced by their

surroundings in the Victorian period, and therefore they give an insight into

the many varied aspects of Victorian life. Dickens uses the novel to express his

feelings about Victorian life, and either present or contradict issues arisen in

the novel, that are believed to be unfair, in order to criticise them.

        The Victorian era was simple when it came to family life. As the man of

the house you were expected to go to work, and come home to a peaceful

environment where the wife was cooking the dinner or cleaning the floors and

serving her husband in an obedient and loving way. As a child you were

expected to be “seen and not heard”, and as a consequence of this, the children

were rarely acquainted with their fathers. Women were an auxiliary to men

and therefore were responsible for house keeping and the up bringing of the

children. At the start of the novel we see an exception to this - the

relationship between Clara Copperfield and her son David. They are portrayed

as best friends while they “play together in the winter highlight and dance

about the parlour” and this can be understood, as any love Clara had for her

late husband Mr Copperfield, is entirely focussed upon David and therefore

their relationship is extremely strong for a mother and son to have in Victorian

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times. However this begins to change when Mr Murdstone is introduced. David

immediately becomes jealous that his mother becomes focussed on Mr

Murdstone and also because his mother is being treated in a way, that he

believed only he could treat his mother” When Clara and Mr Murdstone marry

the novel introduces the aspect of Marriage in Victorian Life. Mr Mudstone is

an example of a strict Victorian husband and although his ways are slightly

exaggerated and extreme in the novel they portray how the average Victorian

husband acts towards his family. Mr ...

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