In the Darkness

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Steven Berryman        Original Writing        10th January 2011

In the Darkness

It was dark, almost to dark for it to be a normal darkness, she didn’t know what to do, she was trapped, the darkness was swallowing her and she couldn’t escape.

She was a strange girl; she was one of those girls who were different to every other girl. She didn’t really have many friends but that was mainly due to her family. Her parents restricted her with the nature of how they were brought up themselves, not really being allowed out. I think there was something about her that made me think that she wanted to change. She didn’t want to lead the life she was leading at the moment, I kept seeing her out in town without her parents on her own, maybe she has snuck out, I’m not sure.

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It was weird one night; I was out with my friends. I was outside a pub and I looked in the corner of my eye and I saw the girl. It was dark, she was wearing black, every part of her clothing was black, I wondered what she was up to, I kept looking and I saw her climbing a fence into the old brewery. She vanished.

She looked down and saw the blood running from her wrists, she dropped the blade holding in her left hand. Now, she was beginning to fall, fall into the endless darkness, ...

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