In the Merchant of Venice the character of Shylock excites the interest and sympathy of an audience throughout

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In the Merchant of Venice the character of Shylock excites the interest and sympathy of an audience throughout

The Merchant of Venice is a play written by William Shakespeare in the year 1598. It is set in a corrupt Venice in the 1600s, with the city in disaccord over the Christian treatment of Jews. The themes revolve around value and worth, and mercy and justice. In the play, a Venetian noblemen Bassanio wants to try his luck in Belmont, to take the hand of Portia, an heiress of Belmont. Portia’s late father set up a challenge to find the one who deserves her hand most. There are three caskets, gold, silver, and lead, and whoever chooses the right casket wins her hand. However, Bassanio is penniless, so borrows money from his friend Antonio, who in turn borrows it from the merchant Shylock. The bond is that if Antonio fails to repay the money after three months, when Antonio’s ships return to Venice, he must pay Shylock a pound of his own flesh. Antonio, a Christian, accepts suspiciously, for he hates Shylock, a Jew, as much as Shylock hates the Christians. Shylocks hatred is intensified when his daughter Jessica absconds with a young Christian nobleman Lorenzo.

News then comes that Antonio’s ships have been lost at sea, and so Shylock takes him to court to demand his pound of flesh. Portia, having now been betrothed to Bassanio after he chose the correct casket, disguises herself as a lawyer and goes to court with her maid Nerissa to help Antonio. She defeats Shylock on a technicality; he can cut off the pound of flesh providing he sheds not a drop of Christian blood. Overjoyed at Antonio’s release, Bassanio pays the ‘lawyer’ with a ring that Portia game him as a keepsake. Leaving Shylock to give up half his goods to Jessica and Lorenzo and convert to Christianity, the betrothed go back to Belmont, where Portia and Nerissa shed their disguises and demand back their rings. Bassanio and Gratiano, who is betrothed to Nerissa, have to beg for forgiveness before the trick is revealed and the play ends happily.

The title, The Merchant of Venice, is misleading, and often misconstructed as a reference to Shylock, the Jew. However, it actually describes the merchant Antonio. This ambiguity has lead people to debate whether Shakespeare was meant to be anti-Semitic or critical of anti-Semitism.

In 1600s Venice, the city is run by trade. Religion is cardinal, with Christians in charge and Jews looked at as “dogs”, and “curs”. The Jews must wear red hats, and were locked in at night. They were not allowed to hold any positions of power and could only be usurers or musicians. The city of Venice as a choice for the setting would not have been arbitrary. Venice in Shakespeare’s day was reknowned for its wealth and diversity of cultures, for it was a cosmopolitan market where Eastern goods made their way into the west. Since Shakespeare’s interactions with Jews in England would’ve been limited, as there were very few Jews living in England at the time due to anti-Semitism, Venice provided him with the example of tolerance and heterogeneity that he needed. Jews would take interest on loans, yet Christians would not as they believed it went against their religion. As Christians would not take interest, without Jews lending money, the city would cease. This is interesting to an audience as the Christian’s wanted rid of the Jews, spitting on them and insulting them. The fact that Christians would take no interest on loans is also interesting as in modern times; everyone who borrows money has to pay it back with interest.

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Shylock, one of the plays main characters, works as a usurer in Venice. He loans out money to people, and they pay him back with interest. Venetian Christians treat him with utter disdain. Throughout the play he is insulted many times. “Is he yet possessed”, Antonio calls him. This reference is that the Christian’s believed that Jews were possessed by the devil. He calls him an “apple rotten at the heart”, and yet he is willing to borrow Shylock’s money.

Shylock cares more about money than anything else. When his daughter Jessica runs away, he seems ...

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