In the play 'Educating Rita' by Willy Russell, the character of Rita changes throughout the play. I intend to explain why this character changed.

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Educating Rita

In the play ‘Educating Rita’ by Willy Russell, the character of Rita changes throughout the play. I intend to explain why this character changed. I will state whether I thought this was a change for the better or worse. Rita changes at the beginning, middle and end of the play.

        The play is set in the North of England. The only characters in the play are Rita and Frank. Rita is twenty-seven years old, married to Deny and a ladies hairdresser. Rita has decided to go on a course at the Open University. She wants to study English literature. Rita wants to change and become a different person. Rita has never sat an exam. Frank is her lecturer and an alcoholic. Frank doesn’t want Rita to change. He thins she is unique. Rita does change at the end of the play. The themes are breakdown in a marriage and education.

        The opening scene shows Frank looking for a bottle of whisky hidden behind books, “jubilantly he moves to the Dickens section and pulls out a pile of books to reveal a bottle of whisky”. This shows he is an alcoholic. He doesn’t know what he is meant to teach Rita, “Henry James or whoever it is we’re supposed to be study on this course”. When Rita comes into the room for the first time, she challenges Frank by saying, “it’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door”, which shows Rita is nervous and uncomfortable. She doesn’t introduce herself, “I’m a what?”. She says she has changed her name; “I’m not a Susan anymore. I’ve called meself Rita”. She repeatedly swears to test Frank, “I’m really fucked”, “shit” and “tits”. She is curious “I wanna know everything”. She has a low self-esteem; “I was deed surprised when they took me. I don’t suppose they would have if it’d been a proper university.” She thinks she is a failure. However Frank thinks differently of her. He thinks she is too good for him, “I’m an appalling teacher. Appalling teaching is good enough for most of my students but it’s not good enough for you”. Rita wants to have the same lifestyle as Frank, but Frank takes his life for granted. They have a lack of communication, “what am I?” and “pardon”. This gives me the impression that they don’t understand each other. Rita describes Frank as “a crazy mad piss artist who wants to throw his students throw a window”. Rita likes Frank. She describes her first essay as “crap” but Frank thinks it’s “an honest piece”. Rita wants to learn more about Frank’s life than about literature. Her and her husband Deny aren’t getting along because she is getting an education.

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        In the middle of the play the changes in Rita are obvious. She has more confidence, “I can do it”. She is starting to learn how to write better, when she was writing an essay on Peer Gynt, she put down “do it on the radio”, it is a clever answer but it still isn’t a good essay. Her husband thought Peer Gynt was a man not a book. Rita still cares about her husband but she called him “thick”. Her husband doesn’t like her doing her work in the house so she does it at the hairdressers, “I didn’t ...

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