In the text "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" the author Mark Haddon is able to gain our sympathy for and our understanding of Christopher because we learn to see things from his perspective. Discuss.

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In the text “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” the author Mark Haddon is able to gain our sympathy for and our understanding of Christopher because we learn to see things from his perspective. Discuss.

Mark Haddon's touching novel, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time,” is a brilliant journey into a world that few people can even contemplate. What must it be like to have a literal mind that can process only certain types of arcane information but is powerless to handle the everyday social interactions that we all take for granted? By writing this book from Christopher's point of view, Haddon creates deep compassion for Christopher and enables the reader to feel this boy's confusion, anger, and heartbreak as his life begins to unravel. Haddon not only lifts the curtain on the world of a boy with Aspersers, but he also explores the strain that having such a child places on his parents.

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Christopher’s mother left. Although there is no doubt Christopher’s mother shows tenderness and devotion towards him, as is expressed in her desire to communicate with him though letters and her need to connect with him on a physical and an emotionally deeper level “Let me hold your hand” (p194) she still chose to leave Christopher.

Christopher’s mother chose to leave for several reasons, the most prominent of which was Christopher’s condition.

Christopher has not had a normal childhood and his parents have not had an average parenting experience. Though his 15 years of life Christopher has already face ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is also fantastic. The candidate confidently uses a wide variety of vocabulary, flaunting their knowledge of the English language and showing the examiner their ability to shape the meaning of their text with precision and accuracy. Grammar, spelling and punctuation is not an issue here as the candidate has taken great care to ensure clarity in their written expression.

The Level of Analysis isn’t really marked here. This is more a piece that is weighted towards AO1 (informed and relevant critical responses) and AO4 (understanding of contextual significance) and very lightly on AO2 (critical evaluation). The candidate approaches the question fantastically and delightfully unconventionally, opting for original thought and personal viewpoints of formulaic objectivity. Instead of prescriptively opting to conform to a PEE/ (Point, Evidence & Explanation/Comment) structure, the subjectivity required of the task helps the candidate vary their answer so that it remains a thoroughly interesting read with insightful, thoughtful analysis of the text, its characters and their personalities. This candidate would look to achieve a strong A* grade for their work here.

The candidate here is reviewing the effectiveness of Mark Haddon’s ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’, in a semi-synoptic essay which combines objective commentary and personal review. The candidate makes an excellent use of their analytical skills and shows how they can implement them with illuminating points that are referenced by text quotations and are then further elaborated on. The candidate shows an acute awareness of the realism of Haddon’s characters and a sensitive appraisal of Christopher’s Asperger’s syndrome and how it affects his thinking; there is also evidence of a very holistic knowledge of the novel, which aids the essay in its naturally flowing quality and coherent points. This is the work of a candidate who confidently responds to the novel with a thoughtful and sensitive review.