Is secure to shopping online ?
In my opinion I think is secure to purchase everything online. I used to buy online and I like very much to surf on the network looking for things to buy. However we need to be aware if the you are buying is secure and if can you trust on the seller.
You should pay attention if the site you are signed in indicate that all submitted information are being encrypted. There are two manners to check it: the site address must start with https (we used to see only http). And on the page bottom may appear a padlock. You should click on it and verify whether the certificate is valid and if is signed by VerySign, TrustSign as well. If so, at this site you can go ahead with your purchase. All of your Personal details will be encrypted and if a hacker intercept your connection he can't read anything. You might be worried about type your credit card number and the security code. For purchase on your own country you can tranfer the money or pay using credit card justing typing the number. For international purchases you should pay using PayPal. Then, you must have an account on PayPal WebSite and add your credit card numbers there. Just once. When you are about to pay your purchase and choose PayPal as a payment option, you will be requested to login on PayPal, after that to select a credit card (it shows the beginning and the end of the number 1010*******2) and effectivate the payment without type the credit card number. PayPal is the most secure site regarding money transation. PayPal has never been stolen. Furthermore, you will be emailed on any iteraction with PayPal, all historic will be held and PayPal is only accepted on secure sites.