It could be said that Hamlet is not a play of inaction, but a play of providence and fate. Shakespeare seems to purposefully initiate action through inaction to show how certain events act as a catalyst for the eventful finale

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Katie Brown        Page         02/05/2007        

Hamlet is the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind. How much is

Hamlet a play of inaction? 

Some critics have stated that the appeal of Hamlet to the audience is his many human weaknesses, the most notable being his indecision. His deliberations and procrastinations are particularly high-lighted when he is faced with the task of revenge. The law and Christianity, around the early seventeenth century, were clear in condemning personal revenge as an attempt by man to arrogate the prerogatives of God. Hamlet’s contradicting feelings toward avenging his father and avoiding breaking the law and going against Christianity were most likely felt by the Elizabethan audience also, which would have been made up of many Christians, namely, Protestants. Catherine Belsey stated:

        …The act of vengeance, in excess of justice, a repudiation of conscience, hellish in its mode of operation, seems to the revenger (and the audience) an over-riding imperative. Not to act is to leave crime unpunished, murderer triumphant or tyranny in unfettered control.

        The well known critic, Nietzsche, states that Hamlet;

        Once looked truly into the essence of things and the resulting nausea has rendered him incapable of taking any action. 

The disturbing truth of Hamlet’s, father’s death outweighs any motive for action. Some critics go so far as to suggest that Shakespeare intended to show the tragedy of a weak-willed man, called upon to commit an act for which he is not properly equipped. These critics believe that Hamlet is a tragedy of weakness and absence of will.

        I would disagree, however, that Hamlet displays an absence of will. On the contrary, Hamlet constantly dwells on the information his father, the ghost, has provided him, and the audience get an insight into Hamlet’s will to get revenge and seek truth:

        And so ‘a goes to heaven; and so am I reveng’d. That would be scann’d: A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven. 

        In this scene, Hamlet discovers Claudius praying; shows a will to perform his task of revenge, and yet he is unable to go through with it. Hamlet enters to find Claudius with his back to Hamlet. Tension is created within the audience, as the scene is portrayed as if the king is preparing for his execution, on his knees, praying, although he is unaware Hamlet is behind him with his sword drawn. It is the perfect opportunity, yet Hamlet deliberates. The scene results in an anti-climax, with Shakespeare creating drama with his ‘will he, won’t he’ tactic with regards to Hamlet.

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        I believe this is a prominent example of Hamlet’s inability to take action. Hamlet never receives any indication from Claudius that he regrets the death of Hamlet’s father, and by killing him, would send him to heaven. I think it most likely that Hamlet creates his own doubts, or excuses, as to delay with the revenge of his father. It could also be possible that Hamlet is fearful of the consequences of his act of vengeance. In ‘Antonio’s revenge’ and ‘The revenger’s tragedy’, the criminal is also the ruler. As was with these, the protagonist may be merely afraid of ...

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