It has been suggested that Tennyson never presents love as a happy and fulfilling emotion

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Mason Egerton

It has been suggested that Tennyson never presents love as a happy and fulfilling emotion.

Do you agree? You should refer closely to two or three poems in your answer.

It can be argued that this statement is accurate as most of his poetry contains elements of tragedy and the characters appear to be destroyed or consumed by love instead of fulfilled and happy, as a person expects to be.

An example of this would be in Tennyson’s poem ‘The Lady of Shallot’. The female character is cursed to look out in the world through a mirror only and longs for love and a knight to call her own. However it doesn’t end up as she hopes because she was doomed from the start.

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It is upon seeing and hearing the knight, the Lady stops’ weaving her web. As the mirror cracks the Lady knows that it is the arrival of her doom ‘…The curse is come upon me …" As she finds a possible love, she dies.

Another example of Tennyson’s presentation that love is an emotion that isn’t fulfilling or happy is in his poem ‘Mariana’. The female character is waiting in an abandoned, decaying house and her situation seems hopeless. It is clear in the poem that she has been deserted for such a long time waiting for a love ...

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