Joe Keller is a tragic hero. Discuss.
Drama originates from the plays of the Greek, in which a tragedy occurs. In these plays the tragic hero (protagonist) commits an offence. He must then find out what he has done wrong, suffer the consequences of his actions and perhaps in the end, die. The Greeks saw the death of the tragic hero as being a way to show that the gods are being fair and the moral order of the universe is restored. A tragic hero according to the Aristotelian Unities is a person who has many outstanding qualities but one tragic flaw. Joe Keller is a tragic hero, who has many qualities and one flaw.
In the play ‘All My Sons’, Arthur Miller creates the character Joe Keller. Joe seems to be an ordinary person, though in the play he represents a man of ‘class’. Joe is a very ordinary man, decent, hard-working, self-made and charitable, a man that no normal person could dislike. But, like the tragic heroes in the ancient Greek dramas, he has a flaw or weakness. This flaw causes him to act wrongly in a situation. He is then forced to accept responsibility for the mistake he made with the cylinder heads. His suicide is necessary to restore the moral order of the universe, and allow his son, Chris, to live free from guilt.

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This essay begins strongly but then becomes repetitive and too superficial and neither the play nor the character are ever really analysed in any depth. When making points make sure to explain them and relate them back to the title and topic of the essay. 3 Stars