Journey's End - Explore the ways in which Sherriff makes this such a dramatic and revealing moment in the play.

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Explore the ways in which Sherriff makes this such a dramatic and revealing moment in the play.

    This moment is set when Hibbert first introduces his neuralgia after Raleigh first arrives at the dugout. It explores the themes of heroism and war, including the mental effects of war. Sheriff creates tension in order to make this a dramatic and revealing moment in the play.

    Sherriff’s choice of verb especially creates tension. Stanhope tells Osborne that Hibbert is, ‘another little worm trying to wriggle home’. The use of ‘wriggle’, which gives connotations of Hibbert trying to escape and ‘wriggle’ free of the war, highlights his cowardly behaviour. This bitter verb creates tension and shows the audience Stanhope’s hatred for Hibbert. in addition, it is used to build up to the later event where Hibbert attempts to leave. Sheriff further illustrates Stanhope’s despise through ‘worm’ as it is demeaning and belittling, thus creating a negative image of Hibbert for the audience. Sheriff uses this moment’s tension to create drama and gain the audience’s attention.

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    Additionally, Sherriff’s short questions create a revealing moment. Stanhope ‘look[s] hard’ and asks ‘Well, Hibbert?’. Stanhope’s bitter and blunt use of ‘well’, again highlights Stanhope’s hatred for Hibbert. But, creates a negative image of Stanhope due to his unjustified unfairness at this moment. This adds to the characterisation of Stanhope as it shows the audience the mental turmoil he has undergone on the frontline for him to be this bitter. This is supported by the later events where Stanhope gets drunk and Osborne is made to put him to bed as it demonstrates how Stanhope copes with ...

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