letter to the council

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4 Charlie Street


High fields

Le2 9lq

Monday 26th February 2007

Leicester city council

141 Welford Road


Le2 3lp


Dear sir/madam,

                         I am deeply saddened by your decision to close Spinney Hill Park. This is the only major park in high fields.

Spinney Hill Park is a massive park; it has 34 acres of sloping parkland, with two popular and well-equipped play areas and an adventure playground. The large grassed areas are suitable for a number of leisure/recreational activities.Many youngsters of today use Spinney Hill Park for getting fresh air, playing football, playing basketball, tennis, crazy golf, playing on the swings, slides and the wheel. This is the only park where the children and enjoy their time. The elderly people use Spinney Hill Park for getting some nice fresh air and pass their time. Some elderly people come to sit on the benches provided and play cards with their friends. Some people take their pets for an early walk. Some people go to Spinney Hill Park to do exercise. Some times people come to Spinney Hill Park because there is a funfair in the park and want to have some fun by going on the rides in the funfair.

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There are many rare animals that can be sighted on rare occasions.  Spinney Hill Park has a lot of things to offer. On the weekend Spinney Hill Park is full because many youngsters go to play, mainly football.  

If this park closes then there will not be enough oxygen because the way we use the land has a big effect on global warming, more precisely, what we do with the trees and plants on the land. Trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and use the carbon to grow bigger and stronger. When land is cleared for farming ...

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