Light Brigade Essay

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How does ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Lord Tennyson and ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ by Wilfred Owen present differing perspectives of War?

‘Dulce Et Decorum est’ and ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ are two war poems which have strong views and attitude. They both were written about different wars. ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ was written by Tennyson during the Crimean war. ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ was written by Wilfred Owen during World War 1.

Alfred Tennyson wrote

        ‘The charge of the Light Brigade,’ as a result of reading W.H Russell’s report. Tennyson uses information from the report to include in his poem.

The newspaper article, written by W.H Russell, was biased as it supported the British army. He described the British army as

      “Glittering in the morning sun.”

W. H Russell describes the noble British army as good even though they were out numbered by the Russian army. Tennyson wrote the poem as a memorial to the British men who died as heroes. Tennyson shows the British army as the “noble six hundred.” In ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ Tennyson repeats the last line in his chorus to show clearly what is happening but even though the British army got wiped out they still ended up being heroes and “the noble six hundred.” Also Tennyson talks about groups of soldiers but no individual experiences:

      “Rode the six hundred” suggests that by talking about lots of people he doesn’t have to talk about all of their emotions. Tennyson uses emotive and patriotic images by describing the soldiers as fearless:

They are fearless as they (“ride into the valley of death,” “For the light Brigade!”)

This suggests that the Light Brigade was fearless and commanding going into the valley of death where the light brigade might meet their death.

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The valley that the two army’s were fighting is described is

         (“the valley of death,” “jaws of death,” “the mouth of hell”)

This implies that there was no chance of surviving the in the battle because of the valley but still Tennyson describes the British army as though they have done very well.

The British in the Tennyson poem is known as

       (“Noble six hundred,” “hero,”)

This means that Tennyson wrote this as though the British were the best and on Gods side and the Russians ...

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