Look at Abigail Williams relationship with John Proctor.

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Kimberley Hardy

The crucible by Arthur Miller

Look at Abigail Williams relationship with John Proctor. What effect does this have on his relationship with Elizabeth? What dramatic effect does her actions have?

The Crucible is a play that is based on a true story by Arthur Miller. It is set in 1692, in a small village called Salem. In this essay I am going to examine the affair between Abigail Williams and John Proctor, and what effect this as on his relationship with his wife Elizabeth. Abigail used to work for the Proctors until Elizabeth found out about the affair and sacked her. She is an orphan and is living with her uncle Parris. Her and the other girls from village go to the woods dancing and pretending to cast spells. They get found by Parris, this leads to Betty who is his daughter fainting and going into a state of shock. Mary Warren, the proctors servant also faints. When the villagers find out they assume its the work of the devil as they live in a very religious Puritan society. Abigail and the other girls start accusing people of witchcraft saying that they led them to the devil. In the era of the Salem witch trials accusations of witchcraft and devil worship were taken very seriously, any mention of this would result in hysteria. These accusations get out of hand and soon the hole village is destroyed by the lies.

It as been seven months since the affair between Abigail Williams, and John Proctor when they meet in a scene in act one. Although it as been so long since the affair Abigail's feelings for John haven't diminished, and she wishes to rekindle the relationship they had, this can be seen when she says to John 'Give me a word, John. A soft word', from this we know Abigail hasn't got over John, and she is still in love with him. John reacts to this by trying to stop it,' No, no, Abby. That's done with'. Despite John obviously still having feelings for her he doesn't want to restart their affair. We know that John still has feelings for her when he tells her 'I may have looked up' this refers to him looking up to her window, John is still attracted to Abigail and part of him still wants to be with her. But John is not willing to do anything about these feelings, evidence of this can be seen when he tells her 'I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out off mind', here he tells Abigail that they will never be together again, and to forget about any feelings they may have towards each other. Abigail's response to this is one of jealousy 'I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be', she is jealous of Elizabeth because she feels John would love her if Elizabeth wasn't in the way. There is evidence that Abigail wants revenge on Elizabeth this can be seen when she says, 'She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me!' Abigail is angry at Elizabeth for telling the villagers why she sacked her.
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In act 2 we can see the effects that John and Abigail's affair has on Johns marriage to Elizabeth. It has been seven months since their affair, but their relationship is still strained and difficult. At the beginning of act 2 the conversation between John and Elizabeth is general, they talk about farming, there is nothing personal in the conversation. John is trying to win Elizabeth back, this can be seen when he compliments her on her cooking 'It's well seasoned' he compliments her even though it was him that put the salt in the stew to make ...

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