Look carefully at the first four chapters of "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens and explore some of the ways in which Dickens's attitudes are presented.

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Paul Loughlin 11Aw

GCSE English

Coursework-Pre 1914 Prose

Look carefully at the first four chapters of "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens and explore some of the ways in which Dickens's attitudes are presented.

In this assignment I will be writing about the novel "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. The novel is set among the industrial smokestacks and factories of Coketown, England. Dickens's was concerned with the miserable lives of the poor and working classes of England during his time. Dickens's uses the novel's characters and stories to expose a massive gap between England's rich and poor and the unfeeling self-interest of the middle and upper classes. Dickens's suggests that England itself is turning into a factory machine, and that the middle class was only concerned with making a profit in the most efficient and practical way possible, through the children in the schools. Even through its not Dickens's most popular novel, it is an important expression of the fundamental values of human existence. In this assignment I will be focusing on Dickens's attitudes and views towards education of the period of which Hard Times was wrote. Hard Times was wrote during the 1800s which education was strict and disciplined.

One significant aspect which Dickens uses is the presentation of the teacher and business man of the school. The business Thomas Gradgrind is a pivotal part in Dickens views. He is a dark-eyed rigid man who is a business man who has established a school in Coketown in the way which he sees fit. In the first chapter he pays a visit to his school to lecture his students in the way that he sees fit. Firstly his first name "Thomas" was taken of that of Thomas the doubter in the bible. His surname "Gradgrind" suggests that he is not a particular pleasant person and that he grinds people down. In this case are his students of his school who fall victim to his teacher's monotonous teaching of the grinding of facts into their young minds.

"The speaker, and the schoolmaster, and the third grown person present, all backed a little, and swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged in order, ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until they were full to the brim."

This quote suggests that the young children have empty minds which are ready to be filled to the brim with cold hard facts. A constant emphasis which is laid down in the first 4 chapters. This quote sums up Gradgrind's rationalist philosophy on education, in claiming that nothing else will ever be of service to his students. Gradgrind however is a father himself to the unhappy Louisa and Tom who question their fathers claim that "facts alone are wanted in life". Gradgrind treats his children as he does his students. He treats them like fertile soil which can sowed by machines. He is depriving their minds of feeling and fantasy. Dickens suggests that facts alone cannot bring intellectual pleasure.

Gradgrind is as referred to as a weapon by Dickens. He portrayed as a cannon as he his lecturing the children, rather that any other time of arms just to make the assault of facts upon the children more brutal.

"Indeed, as he eagerly sparkled at them from the cellarage before mentioned, he seemed a kind of cannon loaded to the muzzle with facts, and prepared to blow them clean out of the regions of childhood at one discharge. He seemed a galvanizing apparatus, too, charged with a grim mechanical substitute for the tender young imaginations that were to be stormed away."
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Mr Gradgrind employs another teacher Mr McChoakumchild who he hopes will instil in the students nothing but, hard cold facts. The name Mr McChoakumchild also suggests that he is an unpleasant person who will "Choke" the facts into the children.

This suggests that Dickens's attitudes toward education, are that of the industrial actions. Destroying the minds of the children and turning them into machines to be prepared for the factory. This all for the middle classes as Dickens suggests that they are using the working classes as drones in a easy way to create a profit.

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