Lord of the Flies Chapter 5 and 6

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Prema Shah L5E                                                                                   10th October ‘08

Discuss how Golding presents the beast in Chapter 5 and 6 and how the boys’ comments reflect their characters and roles. Include at least one comment on the setting and the conch.

         Throughout chapters five and six Golding shows how the society and civilisation of the boys deteriorates. Golding illustrates the inhospitable parts of the island and the violent sea effectively by describing the “darkness of the island” and the “tide coming in”.

                    The setting of the discussion is eerie because it is late at night and gloomy, with shadows of faces created by the “declining sun”.  This adds to the growing tension of the group and there is disorder amongst the boys as they mock and argue with him Ralph. He wants to emphasis the importance of law and rules in the group in order for them to eventually be rescued, and he is frustrated because the community is disintegrating. He believes the reason for this is the beast and the fear so he brings up the subject and allows various boys to voice their opinions and attitudes which reflect their different characters.

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              The conch is taken from him by Jack who makes a strong and passionate speech, in complete contrast to Ralph’s serious talk. He shouts at the littluns to put up with the fear if they are scared, just like the rest of the boys, exclaiming that they are “cry babies and sissies”. He asks the boys if he is a hunter and they reply in the affirmative, so he goes on to say that he has searched the whole island and therefore he knows that no beast or animal exists. Even though Jack ...

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The Quality of Written Communication (QWC) is entirely indicative of 1 hour's exam time, with the candidate making a few spelling and grammatical errors which could easily be rectified if they leave 5 minutes towards the end of the exam to proof-read and make sure their QWC is top notch. There is a small range of punctuation used, and examiners want to see confidence in writing, so the use of semi-colons, colons and parentheses to vary sentence structure and sentence length would make the answer much more interesting.

The Level of Analysis, where there is analysis, is indicative of someone who could achieve a high C/low B grade. Unfortunately, whilst it contributes to AO1 and displays a well-informed understanding of the plot, the re-telling of the story gains no marks because it's just that - a lot of it isn't analysis and there is no insight from the student given. Candidates must avoid re-telling the narrative when it comes to analytical essays, because analytical essay are not memory tests; though understanding the novel and what happens where is an invaluable asset if, like this question, candidates are directed at one particular incident without much clue given as to what actually happens, but having 8/10 of the answer a nothing original wins no marks. It's also a shame that most of this candidates' quote are hung off of this re-telling. The identification of character traits where applicable though, is exceptional. The recognition of Simon, Jack, the little'uns, et al. is very good though I would encourage candidates to also comment more on Ralph's attitude to the Beast.

The Response to Question is poor/average. For the most-part of this essay the candidate is explaining the events of the novel in Chapters 5 and 6. There is very little analysis that retains consistent focus on the question of how the characters are explained regarding their reactions to the beast. However, where there is analysis, it is very good. The commentaries on the characters that appear dotted throughout the essay, if freed from the re-telling of the story, would form the basis of a very successful essay. All this candidate needs to do is take the good elements of the essay - the analysis of character; the quotes from the narrative and the characters, etc. - and then build a constructive essay form around it without needing to be held together by a re-telling of the events of Chapters 5 & 6.