Lord of the flies- english coursework how well does chapter one prepare us for the rest of the novel.

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                        Lord of the Flies coursework

(How well does chapter one prepare us for the rest of the novel?)

        William Golding's novel 'Lord of the Flies' was published in 1954. The novel explores the need for democratic organization, and tackles many themes including evil in mankind, people are inherently evil and the need for political democracy. The novel was inspired by many experiences of Golding's life; William Golding was an English teacher at an all boys school for a few years and in one of his English classes he tried to debate with the boys, it ended very badly with the boys fighting and showing they can not control themselves, this is also very relevant as this would have provided Golding with enough knowledge of schoolboys and their behavior, for this novel to be so realistic. William Golding also served in the Royal Navy and the novel was published during WWII. These past experiences are linked to the themes in which Golding choose to tackle in his novel, for example evil and savagery. Also this novel is said to be very similar to the book 'Coral Island' by R.M Ballantyne. Although Golding takes the character's names and story line, he changes it in many ways as he projects the evil and savagery onto the boys. The opening chapter of LOTF is very effective in introducing the characters, themes and symbols, and in this essay I shall explore how Golding does this.

        Golding presents the characters in the opening and their relationships with the other characters in a clever way that is relevant to the rest of the novel. Chapter one immediately establishes the tension between the impulse towards savagery. Ralph closely followed by piggy arrive first on the scene, Ralph discovers a large shell like object which Piggy immediately identifies as a conch to summon any other survivors. Jack and his choir emerge from the beach and are the first sign of disturbance on the seemingly tranquil island. However the marching choir are also the first concrete example of civilization on the island, when Jacks party was about ten yards from the platform he shouted an order and “wearily obedient, the choir huddled into a line and stood there swaying in the sun.”This suggests that Golding's militant descriptions of the boy's actions were to deliberately build an image in the readers head of a very civilized and organized group of children, and then highlight their fall!

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        Golding from the beginning of the novel describes Ralph with empathy over Jack on both temperament, physical appearance and leadership skills “there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat down that marked him out.” Also Golding suggests he has maturity levels above the other boys and that he is a natural leader, a quality the other boys recognize when they vote him leader. The vote for chief causes a lot of trouble and conflict between Ralph and Jack as Jack assumes he should assume the role automatically. We can tell this by the description of Jack when he ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is good. There is little evidence of a more complicated syntax or use of punctuation which suggests the writer is not a fully-fledged confidant in their writing ability under exam/coursework pressure just yet, but even so, it is obvious this candidate has read and re-read their answer in order to make sure that all their spelling is correct and accurate.

The Level of Analysis shown by this candidate is good, if it does indeed trail off into analysis of things other than what the question specifically asks. The contextual information is possibly a little too extensive and not all of it is required, but nonetheless as it is there, the candidate cannot be marked down for it as it demonstrates a highly sensitive awareness of the social and historical factors that influences Golding's text. However, in an exam conditions it would probably be best to integrate the contextual appreciation into the analysis, rather than lump it in block paragraph as one big chunk at the beginning of the essay. Elsewhere, this candidate excels on their analysis of Ralph's character, and also how our first encounter with Jack Merridew and the choirboys suggests that civilisation is still present, though it would be apt to suggest here what this foreshadows about the novel - how will this delicate social construct change throughout the course of the novel? Doing this is directly addressing the question, which asks candidate to address the unknown as they are only told to focus on the first chapter and what it tells us about the novel.

In response to a question that asks how the opening chapter of William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' prepares readers for the rest of the novel, this candidate has done well to address many of the ideas and allegories drawn up in just a few pages. Commenting on character, description and context (perhaps a little too extensively here) this candidate looks set to achieve a high B grade for their efforts. What could be improved though, is the focus on the possibilities that Golding hints at and how he hints at them. Candidates answering questions like these (this is a very popular question for this novel) will need to approach the question from the perspective of someone who does not know what happens in the rest of the novel, so really, it's more about writing from the stance of someone questioning what could happen, rather that writing from the perspective of someone who knows what happens.