Lord of the Flies - Who in my opinion would have been the best leader "Ralph, piggy or jack".

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Who in my opinion would have been

The best leader “Ralph, piggy or jack”


The lord of the flies began by a plane crash near the Pacific Ocean during an unnamed war in which a group of English schoolboys are lonely on an island, under no adult control. They are left on the island to feed themselves and fight their own battles. The boys started to make rules and laws in which everyone had to follow, but they tended to have arguments with each other when deciding rules.  They collapse from their friendships because they didn’t agree with the decisions or rules they made.


The story starts off with a young character called Ralph. Ralph is a very organised person, making the reader becomes inclined to think that he is also an intelligent individual.  He seems certain throughout the book that his father, a commander in the Navy, will come and rescue him and his peers. He was eventually chosen to be a designated leader of the group by the others. This is most likely because he is a polite character and he also carried the advantage of being one of the older members of the group. Piggy was Ralph’s best friend; this is largely due to the fact that he listened to what he said and didn’t hesitate to follow his rules. Eventually, as time passed by, piggy developed into a father figure towards the younger boys.

‘Lord of the flies’ has become a widely known story over the years, due to the unusual idea of the famous ‘conch.’ The boys took to the idea of using this conch to grant one another the power to speak-out without being interrupted in the many assemblies they had. With Ralph as the leader, it was inevitable to the reader that a device of this kind would be thought up, as Ralph, being a sensible youth, seemed to appreciate the great importance of being able to sustain order within the temporary community. This is why he came up with the idea of using a conch. In doing this, the element of fairness in Ralph’s character is also demonstrated to the reader.  Ralph began to find rules and limits in which they could remain safe on the island. Ralph, Jack and Simon explored the island and began plans for shelters from the weather. Simon was a young lad, although he was still granted respect from the elders, and likewise he respected them. Ralph also made the decision that a fire should be lit permanently on the mountains as a constant smoke signal. This was a very pragmatic idea, again demonstrating to the reader the great leadership skills that Ralph possessed.

Ralph then decides to have a meeting about lighting a fire on the mountains and Jack also decides to make a hunting party to hunt for pigs. A small boy claims to have seen a serpent-like beast, but the idea is quickly discarded after Ralph and Jack convince the group to collect wood. The group hurriedly rushes to the mountain and collect wood for a fire. At first they didn’t have anything to light the fire with. Then jack uses Piggy’s glasses as a magnifying glass to make sunrays as heat. Although there was only a little amount of fire created, the rest of the boys put some green branches on the fire, so they could have more fire. When the next meeting happened Ralph decided to make more regulations or commands to set people on specific tasks like building shelters and putting the fire on.

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From now Ralph and Jack start to make different decisions and start to ignore Ralph’s rules. Jack got more into hunting and started to forget his to goal of being rescued. Everyone started doing there own kind of activities, while Ralph and Simon were the only ones who were building shelters. The younger children started to help less and got more into playing games on the beach.

Later on, a ship sails past the island but unluckily fails to notice the boys because Jack's choir had let the fire out completely. Jack and his boys had lost attention ...

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