LOST-descriptive writing

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I didn’t know where I was. I didn’t know how I got there, or how I was going to get out, all I knew was that I was lost!

        I looked around, it was so dark that I couldn’t see my outstretched hand in front of me but I could smell the musty smell of damp wood. I assumed I was in a forest in England but something told me I could be mistaken, something slithered past my leg hissing as it passed. I was terrified, my heart pounded in my chest as I tried to keep as still as possible until I was certain that I was safe! It was at this point I realised I wasn’t safe at all, I wasn’t in a wood, I most definitely wasn’t in England, I was in a rainforest and I had no idea where… I began to run, as fast as my legs could carry me over the leaf littered floor, trampling on bugs as I went only stopping when I reached the edge of the forest, here I collapsed exhausted, afraid and alone.


        I jerked awake, I could feel the heat upon my exposed back, burning, the sun was beating down on me. I attempted to move; my aching legs refused to co-operate. I was paralysed. I lay there, at the edge of what could only be described as a jungle, not able to walk or even crawl, my only hope was to drag myself through the trees along the jungle bed over the mud, leaves and insects swarming around my body trying to find the way I came in.

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        My hands began to ache as I reached a gap in the trees where the light was creeping through. I could hear running water. Although not being able to find out which way the noise was coming from I carried on dragging myself along the floor. Finally I reached a deep pool of blue water. It wasn’t just a pool but a beautiful waterfall with water as clear as a diamond. The sound of crashing water filled my ears with its harmony, I watched the waterfall crashing onto the rocks below and bouncing into the deep pool.

        As ...

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