Love is best! (Love Among the Ruins) Does Browning persuade you that this is so? Answer with reference to two or three poems." The theme of love is a one that comes up very often in all of Browning's poems, not just in Love Among the Ruins.

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Robert Browning

“Love is best! (Love Among the Ruins) Does Browning persuade you that this is so? Answer with reference to two or three poems.”

The theme of love is a one that comes up very often in all of Browning’s poems, not just in Love Among the Ruins. We see it in Porphria’s Lover, Andrea Del Sarto, My Last Duchess, A Lover’s Quarrel and many more. Browning himself was a devoted husband and father who was a follower in the idea of ‘capturing the moment’ which can easily be related to the emotion of love as well. This idea was one that he found especially interesting and is probably why he wrote so many poems on the subject because he thought that in writing down what he felt, he could always have the memories of these great feelings that only happen a few times in your life. The emotion of love is not one that everyone can relate to when reading about it and therefore it’s quite a risky business. However, the fact that Browning manages to pull it off in so many of his poems is a testament to the man. The question is though ‘does he pull it off it Love Among the Ruins?’ The way in which Browning structures the poem endears it to not just me, but to a very wide audience. Indeed, the way you read the poem due to the form and structure is very important and can change your opinion on a stanza if you do not follow just one of the commas, or pieces of punctuation. In this way, Love Among the Ruins is extremely thought provoking to read and it is an area (among other’s) in which I will be following in more detail in this essay (using My Last Duchess and ‘Porphyria’s Lover’).

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During the poem of ‘Love Among the Ruins’, we see a lot of very mellow writing from Browning, which gives the poem an extremely calm nature. Browning actually structures the poem in such a way that it flows almost without you thinking about it. This helps the reader to identify with the theme of love and happiness in the poem. During the 14 stanzas, Browning seems to alternate between the two settings of country and city, which also helps to create a contrast between how love is so beautiful (country and freedom) and then on the other side with ...

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