Lucy and Bartlett

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                                         ENGLISH COURSEWORK

This passage from the poem A room with a view depicts a mysterious relationship between the two women. In this passage the different mannerism of people and the social conventions are brought towards the front.

In this passage E.m Forster introduces the character with a bang as Miss Bartlett said ‘ The “signiora has no business to do it, no business at all”. E.M Forster on the first line of the passage showed the frustration of the character and hence stating that she is an unhappy mood. Miss Bartlett is unhappy with the rooms as she got north rooms instead of south rooms and it is a long way apart from Lucy. On the first line itself the relationship between Lucy  and Miss Bartlett is being established. The initial thought on the relationship between them both seems to be liked god friend. Until now Em Forster focused on Miss Bartlett  disappointed with  the cold welcome she got in Italy. Now the second character Lucy comes in Lucy and Miss Bartlett soon realized that its not all Italian in Italy  because Lucy says “ And a cockney”. Lucy was referring to “signioras” unexpected accent. The two women were already disappointed with the their rooms and now the cockney accent, it seems too much for them. They felt like they were still in London as Lucy said “ don't you feel too that we might be in London:. Em Forster has created an illusionary thought in my head that Lucy and Mrs. Bartlett are ladies in their  early thirties who seems to find the negative side of a subject. TO back up my point  Mrs. Bartlett goes on to say “ this meat has surely been used for soup” According to the standard convention `Miss Bartlett would be happy with what she gets and trying to adjust with the situation she starts getting indulged into the subject and gets disturbed. They both got paranoid over very small problems. For this point EM Forster gives a clear point which is when something doesn't meet to our expectation or the holiday which we were looking forward didn't turn out the way we wanted we would be disturbed over the incident. Lucy and Mrs Bartlett were on a holiday to experience the authentic Italian cuisine and to soak up their culture but what they were left was the same old London experience which they took as a shock.

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Later on in the Act both the women  were arguing over the room in a positive manner. Miss Bartlett and Lucy were respecting each others status and were offering the rooms to each other but none of them were expecting the offer. Miss Bartlett said “ you must have it” and this is because part of the expenses for this trip was paid by Lucy's mother a piece of generosity.

The talk between them continued and their voice soon turned animated and EM Forster was bringing out an Ego part of the girls. The fact that they want ...

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