Macbeth Essay. The theme of the natural world vs the supernatural world is a major aspect that is conveyed regularly throughout Macbeth.

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Macbeth Practise Essay

William Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Macbeth’ explores the natural and unnatural worlds of Scotland, conveying that ultimately, the two cannot co-exist. Discuss the ways Shakespeare presents the notion stated above through his dramatic/theatrical techniques.

The play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare is known as one of the Four Great Tragedies of Shakespeare and thus follows the rules from Aristotle’s definition of ‘tragedy’. This means that the protagonist of a high rank who is essentially good, plummets because of a fatal flaw and causes consequences for everyone and this is shown in Macbeth. The natural world of Medieval Scotland, where dutiful themes pay homage to monarchical Kings, comes close to destruction as unnatural acts of regicidal Macbeths (‘spurred’ on by witches and apparitions) brings about tragic consequences. These themes are conveyed through the use of dramatic techniques throughout the play.

The theme of the natural world vs the supernatural world is a major aspect that is conveyed regularly throughout Macbeth. The natural world of Scotland in Macbeth is established as the monarchy (King Duncan) who is contrasted to the witches scenes on heath. The concept of the ‘chain of being’ was believed that all life forms that god created are ranked in a divinely planned hierarchy. This means that King Duncan was above all other humans but below God and his angels. According to this concept, all existing beings have their precise place and function in the world and to depart from one’s proper place was to cause alterations to the natural order and this betrays god. Nature was of big value as it was directly related to the natural order of things. If that order was disturbed in anyway, it would destructively reflect itself on nature. An example of naturalism is when King Duncan builds trust to Macbeth after he bravely contributed to Scotland’s victory over Norway. Duncan quotes in Act 1 Scene 4 “He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust”. This shows a natural aftermath perspective on Macbeth from King Duncan especially after Macbeth’s loyal deeds to him. This demonstrates the natural world and order within Macbeth.

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After, and even before the natural world has established in Macbeth, the supernatural realm is presented and it creates conflict with the natural order of things and uses the protagonist Macbeth as the instrument or tool. From the beginning of the play, the repetition of the paradox “fair is foul and foul is fair” by the witches introduces the themes of the disruption of the natural order. This dramatic irony is the foundation of the downfall of Macbeth’s position. Thunder and lightning also occurs during this scene. This dramatic technique gives suspense and shows a dark and frightening effect and ...

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A fairly competent response that addresses many of the main issues. It is important to analyse some of the language choices in more detail and to also relate the analysis to how structure and form are used to shape meaning; this means linking points and ranging around the text to show a deeper understanding of the whole text. 4 Stars