Macbeth - How Shakespeare presents the characters in Act 3 Scene 1

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Examine how Shakespeare presents the characters of                                                 Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Act 3 Scene 1.

How do their words thoughts and actions make the scene such a dramatic and important scene in the play?

        In the majority of Shakespeare’s compositions, Act 3 usually consists, in terms of context, the most important scenes in the play.  Macbeth is no different; Act 3 and in particular Act 3 Scene 1 is the point in the play where events are rapidly building to a dramatic and tragic climax. In the previous scenes the audience witnessed the violent assassination of the much loved King Duncan by Macbeth followed by the (said / mentioned) murderer’s inevitable election as king. In a historical context, the general public at the time of the production’s release would have understood the significance and seriousness of Macbeth’s actions more so than modern day audiences. Regicide was not only seen as an evil act against king and country but also against God. The Divine Right of King’s was widely believed; which stated every monarch is selected by God and has sole right to the throne (usurper). More notably, genuine threats such as the Gunpowder Plot against the ruler at the time, King James I, made the murder of King Duncan not only more believable but something audiences could actually relate to.  

Act 3 Scene 1 commences with a condemning soliloquy by Banquo. He shares with the audience his strong accusations regarding the manner in which Macbeth has become King Speaking dangerously of deceit and treason, ‘Thou played’st most foully for’t’,  Shakespeare cleverly aligns Banquo with the audience and in doing so emphasizes the shocking nature of King Duncan’s murder. In the soliloquy there is also a reference to the witches’ predictions for Banquo’s descendants, ‘myself should be the root and father of many kings.’ This line would have been of great interest to King James I as it suggests he is a descendant of Banquo. Some critics argue that Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to flatter the new king. The direct relation between Banquo and King James is hinted a few times during the play. Add this to the fact Shakespeare altered Holinshed’s version of events that were written years earlier then you could be mistaken for agreeing with the critics. Shakespeare made Macbeth solely responsible for Duncan’s murder when actually Banquo was an accomplice to the murder.  

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        Proud to be in their new role, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth greet Banquo very majestically, ‘here’s our chief guest. ’ Shrewdly, they attempt to make Banquo feel important and well appreciated, ‘If he had been forgotten, it had been a big gap in our great feast.’ However this was all a big act, as the audience was about to find out. I imagine in this part of the scene Lady Macbeth’s introduction would have been very grand and regal as if she loved her new role. After all, she had finally achieved what she and her husband had always dreamt of, ...

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