More then one type of love in Mid Summer Nights Dream

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Gabriel Patino                12/8/11

Doc Schmidt                 English

                                More than one type of love

        By definition love is a profoundly tender and passionate affection for another person.  Love is a disease that can make you do things you’ve never think of doing. This powerful emotion affects your behavior and personality and is demonstrated through the characters of Midsummer Nights Dream. But what determines whom we love; is it beauty, intellect or both? Is it possible for love to be perfect? Lysander proclaims, "The course of true love never did run smooth." Act 1, Scene 1, line 134, this means that no matter how much you love someone there will always be obstructions in the way.  Thesesus, Egeus, and the fairies are all obstacles for the four main lovers, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena. The biggest obstruction to love is love itself, because it is an emotion that can change drastically in a blink of an eye.  But is there more than one type of love?

        Prior to reading Midsummer Nights Dream, we read two sonnets by Shakespeare discussing two different types of love and gave of an insight on his views.  One of the two loves described was the love of infatuation. Shakespeare considers this love as a fever longing still. This type of love is similar to a rollercoaster, it goes up and down and right when you think your going straight and everything is stable, before you know it your upside down. The couple that best demonstrates this is Demetrius and Helena. At the beginning of the story Helena is obsessed with Demetrius, while Demetrius doesn’t care about Helena what so ever. Helena ends up telling Hermia "The more I love, the more [Demetrius] hateth me." Act 1, Scene 1, line 204, what really is surprising is that she still loves him regardless of his attitude toward her. The fact that the more she shows him  affection, the more he despises her, is an insult to Helena and would typically discourage the average girl but Helena is hardheaded and refuses. The reason that Helena never stops loving Demetrius is a mystery within itself with the only possible explanation being a type of love. Helena is so infatuated that all she cares about is Demetrius. Is this type of love doomed? At the end of the play, the infatuation is mutual, all thanks to the help of Puck and his potion. Nonetheless they marry, thus proving love can come in different ways but love shall always be love.

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        The other type of love we read about is in Sonnet 116 is the love of true minds. In sonnet 116, lines 13 and 14 really stand out, “Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,  But bears it out even to the edge of doom,” Shakespeare is saying that the love of true minds does not change with hours or weeks but rather remains until death.  The perfect example of this is Lysander and Hermia, lovers since the beginning.  Hermia’s love for Lysander is so great that she agrees to go off into the woods with Lysander, she ...

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