Much Ado About Nothing

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Asim Jamaldin

Anne Diego

AS English Literature 

Much Ado About Nothing

Essay Question

Juliet Dunsinberre argues that ‘Shakespeare saw men and women as equals in a world which declared them unequal.’

How far do you agree with this statement in relation to Much Ado About Nothing? In your answer, you should refer to the context in which Shakespeare wrote and consider how a modern audience might react.


 In Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare portrays a common society in which a common role model of male and female ways of behaviour exists, and contrasts it with a deviant role model. It is Beatrice and Benedick who "misbehave". Beatrice′s behaviour and Benedick′s reactions are odd because they constantly work against society′s decorum. Shakespeare portrayed the common and the deviant behaviour in a way which is reflected in the characters′ engaging in dialogue. Men and women engage in dialogue differently and this can be seen in the composition of the staged dialogues as well as in the stage directions, which indicate body language.

In the following essay I will discuss and analyse how Shakespeare develops themes of equality/inequality between men and women in this play by discussing how these themes are developed in key scenes and through contrasting characters, and also by using textual evidence to justify my viewpoints, and showing how context affects interpretation.

Patriarchy and Courtly Love are important themes in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Because Patriarchy actually means that, Men lead and women follow and that Gods desire for men to lead women with true love and women to follow with true love, where as Courtly Love is an illicit form of love which is mainly celebrated in Literature and is when a courtier devotes himself to a noblewomen. The love between Hero and Claudio is actually courtly love because he is sort of a knight and he devotes himself to a noblewoman, which is Hero who is decent, gracious and rich. At this

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period many people believed in the Patriarchy and that men were higher than women, just like a deck of cards, the king is higher than a queen.

Cuckolding jokes has a dramatic importance to how the play unfolds to what happens in scene 4. These jokes were basically to show men as appearing foolish and are an insult to their honour,

“Were you in doubt, sir, that you asked her?”

“Signor Benedick, no; for then you were a child.”


The importance of the jokes to men shows the unequal world as men would much rather care ...

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