North and South Essay

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North and South Essay

The sun rose to a beautiful crisp morning and as I sat at the breakfast table I couldn't help but compliment the fine weather. My husband and daughter entered and seated themselves, yet their dark expressions seemed to cloud the sunny sky.

Cheerfully, I tried to discuss my plans for that day, what I would do, whom I would visit. I talked on, though my family gave me little encouragement. They seemed to be so self-involved, when they should be paying attention to me.

Richard explained that he'd be home late, however I thought nothing of it, he often stays out, paying visits to those high in society.

I wandered up the stairs to dress myself in attire suitable for school and as I did so I began to think about Mr Lennox, a handsome, dashing young man who would make a perfect husband to a sensible young woman, particularly one like my daughter. My mind busy with these thoughts, I prepared myself to go to the school.
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Lightly I ran down the stairs, my mind at peace.

Margaret waited at the foot of the staircase.

"Mother, please take a turn about the garden with me," she pleaded in a solemn voice wrapping her arm around my waist.

Eagerly I walked with her, admiring the beautiful flowers and pleasant smells.

How lovely, I thought to myself. There's really no other place like Helstone.

I glanced about, complimenting our beautiful, scenic garden when Margaret turned to me.

"Mamma! Papa is leaving Helstone! He's leaving the church and going to Milton-Northern!"


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