Of Mice and Men: In a letter .John Steinbeck Wrote of Curleys wife: Shes a nice girl and not a floozy. Discuss and explain your own impression of Curleys wife.

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‘Of Mice and Men’: In a letter .John Steinbeck Wrote of Curley’s wife: ‘She’s a nice girl and not a floozy.’ Discuss and explain your own impression of Curley’s wife.

In ‘Of Mice and Men’ John Steinbeck describes Curley’s wife as a character of many contradictions she is shown as both a nice girl and a floozy; lonely yet vindictive; Motherly but also seductive. In this essay I will try to discuss both of her sides.

Throughout the novel Curley’s wife acts and dresses as a floozy; in the very beginning when we first see her she is dressed up nice and has her nails painted red which in those days was a sign of danger, she dresses in very good quality clothes and takes care of herself much more then she should as she is in a ranch full of men and has chores as all the women those days had. She spends too much time on her appearance, in the novel it says she has rouge lips, hair in little sausages, and not only is she dressed very nice, she also acts very seductive by showing off her womanly parts ‘she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so her body was thrown forward’. She leans against the door frame teasing the men, she knows she will get lots of attention because she is a young pretty girl and the men are always in the ranch and she is the only girl there.

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She also talks very flirtatiously with the men as she says things ‘playfully’ showing she has no interest of finding her husband as she intended to do in the first place. When she is about to leave she says ‘Nobody can’t blame a person for lookin’’ which has a double meaning. It can be interpreted as you can’t blame a person for looking which would mean you cannot blame her for looking for Curley and you cannot blame a person for looking and admiring her.

Also, when she enters the bunkhouse she says ‘I’m lookin’ for Curley’ which is a ...

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This essay clearly considers different interpretations of Curley's wife's character and finds evidence to support both sides of the argument outlined in the title. At times there needs to be more specific analysis of structure and language and how certain choices affect how the reader responds to the presentation of Curley's wife. 4 Stars