Santiago displayed ambition through his concertration on his goal while under the pressure and stress of problems that arose. While battling the marlin he always keeps his eye on the goal, and tried figure out new ways to get through the tight spots. Even when it seem that all hope was lost, he continues to persevere, in his goal of catching the marlin. When he is out at sea his hands begin to cramp, and it looks as if he has to give up the fish, but he decides to endure the pain in a hope that he may strive through this time of difficulty. His hands finally uncramp and he continues on his mission, Just glad that he did not give up by releasing the fishing line. When food is low, the old man figures out ways to get more without losing his marlin. He sets up another fishing rig slowly, making sure that he does not move two quickly and startle the marlin, while constantly concentrating on the fishing line that the marlin is on. The best example that shows that Santiago possess ambition is right after he catches the marlin and begin to head home. Santiago has been trying to catch this marlin for a long time, so when Sharks begin to follow him and begin to attack the marlin on his voyage back to his hometown, he works his hardest to keep them away. So Santiago wastes no time in finding unique ways to fight off the sharks. For example, he makes a spear out of his knife, a paddle, and some cloth. When that breaks, he then uses the other paddle as a club to beat the sharks away. His ambition to catch his great marlin and return home with it safely shows his ambition to acheive his goals no matter what is in the way. Even after all of these burdens and struggles he does not blame anyone but him self for losing the marlin to the sharks
Santiago's relationships with many other people never went into deep personal information, only one became a very steadfast and intimate friendship. This relationship is the one btween him and the boy, Manolin, is one of great importance in "The Old Man And The Sea". Their relationship is a great friendship which has grown over years. Santiago was the first person to ever go fishing with the boy. He was a teacher to Manolin, and showed him everything he knew. The boy would even bring,if he was able to, the old man food if Santiago returned from fishing and had not caught anything that day. Santiago would read to the boy about baseball and tell him about the great baseball player Joe Dimango, Manolin constantly looked forward to these times. He enjoyed being in the old man's company for he cared for this man because he was always kind to him. The boy prepared the old man's bait some of the time. They espcially offered each other the best of company. This is shown when Santiago is out at sea he is constantly wishing the boy was there to talk to him or to help him with the mighty fish. Futhermore, Santiago does not have any close relationships with any of the other fishermen, outside of polite conversation.
In "The Old Man And The Sea", Santiago shows that he possess the characteristic traits of resourceful simplicity, ambition, and steadfastness. Santiago showed that he possessed the character trait simplicity and resourcefulness through his life as a fisherman. Santiago displayed the character trait of ambition through his great deal of concertration while under the pressure of of trials and burdens. Santiago's of character traits of smplicity, perserverance, The character traits that Santiago demostrates in "The Old Man And The Sea" should be examples for all to follow.
Essay 2
The theme in "The Old Man and the Sea", is that man most withstand suffering and deal with all the trials and burdens thrust upon him . This can be shown because suffering is a necessary step in Santiago's battle with the marlin throughout the story. The fisrt example of the burden of suffering occures through the physical pain that Santiago withstands during the fight with the fish. He battled thirst because he only brought one bottle of water or equivalent to a day's worth of water not knowing that he would be out at sea for alomst three days. He fought with hunger every day because the only food that he could eat was little strips of dried fish because he could not catch any really big fish for fear of losing the marlin that he is fighting with. He dealt with the pain of the sun burning his skin and hurting his eyes, his hands cramping up, sleep deprivation, and in the final battle with the marlin his hand are sliced open by the ropes but still he perservered. He also coped with plain old age which can be shown in the battle with the sharks in which the old man could only fight them off for so long before he was to weak to even hit the sharks hard enough to scare them away.Though the mental anguish of losing the marlin to the sharks was devastating the most important example of the theme is Santiago's attitude toward his failure to bring the marlin back safely. He does not whine or complain he accepts the fact that he lost the marlin because he went out farther than he should have and that it was his fault and his fault alone to bear. It might be possiible that this is a type of pain that can be controlled by sheer willpower. Santiago's struggle against the marlin and the burdens that went along with that struggle clearly show that, man most withstand suffering and deal with all the trials and burdens thrust upon him' is the theme of "The Old Man and the Sea".