Original Writing

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Original Writing

Charlotte Vaudeville

‘Was this really happening?’ It was like I had been made to make one decision that would follow me for the rest of my life. 2 colossal decisions, in my life faced me square in the eye. ‘Would I make the right decision?’ The two important and dominant figures in my life were growing further and further apart by the second. At this moment I felt awkward and with the feeling that these 4 peculiar shaped walls were closing in daunting over me, was a fact that I could not bare any longer. I had to get out. ‘Which side could I take?’ ‘Where would I be welcome?’. I didn’t know any of these life-changing questions but there was one thing I did know and that was that my life was about to take a turn for the best, or so it seemed.

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This decision was sure to follow me forever. This meaningless argument, or so it seemed meaningless in the first place had escalated into an uncontrollable situation. To begin with, it seemed like I had made the correct decision with having the luxury of food and a warm bed and a roof over my head, I was living like a king. But, the other lifestyle I could have chosen doesn’t seem as luxurious. I couldn’t take the risk of getting caught but as each day went on I wanted to see him every day and make sure that he was ok. ...

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